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Multi-sortable tables in GUI

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Author Add the possibility to define several columns for sorting in the Table Layout
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - Post #24280
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Please, add the possibility to define several columns for sorting. Each column should have 3 states: asc, desc and off. For example, adding a column to current sorting set with Alt+columnclick, remove with Shift+columnclick.

This feature is useful for individuals table, where one want to sort by name and surname.

Edited: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 by GenoProSupport
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - Post #24283
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You can sort a column by clicking on the heading. An 'arrow' appears to indicate direction of sort. Second click reverses it
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - Post #24284
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The post is about having several sorting columns at once. Sorting columns should have the same priority, as they have been added to the stack (e.g. first sort by name, then by surname).
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - Post #24285
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You can carry on sorting successive columns. Not the same as sorting in a spreadsheet when you can specify a set of sort orders but the result is the same.
This program is not a spreadsheet but has many of the features. It is a question of setting priorities for the programming. If many people ask for a feature it might get added but the problem is that resources are limited and if you want spreadsheet functionality you can copy the table into your preferred program.
(OK you knew that but I am trying to say what I have seen on the forum - not as a criticism)
Posted Wednesday, July 8, 2009 - Post #24287
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Yes, I agree with you. That is minor improvement. Although many component libraries already support this out-of-the-box.
At least, 3-state order should be possible (asc/desc/off), because currently there is no way to "unapply" the sorting.
Well, multi-sorting feature has limited application, mostly for names and addresses.

Maybe another even more powerful solution will be to introduce the "custom constructor for the column" where you can define a placeholders to be replaced by actual values e.g. "${first_name} ${phone} ${street}", and then you can sort by this column, which allows you, basically, mixtured sorting (if all values are defined).
Posted Saturday, August 1, 2009 - Post #24401
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(Maybe you found this workaround in the meanwhile yourselves.  Anyhow, here goes.)

The currently used GenoPro sort mechanism seems to a stable one, meaning that the order of the entries of a column are not affected when sorting another column containing duplicates.  Hence, if you want to sort the entries on both let's say (1) "last name" and (2) "given name", you need to sort on "given name" first and then on "last name".

This way of sorting goes back to the 1960-ies and was used with punched cards ...

Hope this helps,

Posted Sunday, August 2, 2009 - Post #24408
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This way of sorting goes back to the 1960-ies and was used with punched cards ...

Nand, thank you for reply! Do you have some workaround or proposal about how to solve achieve the result of multi-sorting columns? Maybe it's somehow encrypted in your post, but I was not able to read it.
Posted Sunday, August 2, 2009 - Post #24409
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If you want to arrange your columns according to A-B-C, you can do this by first sorting on C, then on B and finally on A.

E.g., to sort your individuals on last-name, first-name and middle-name, first click on the column heading for middle-name, then on the column heading for first-name and finally on the heading for last-name.

Posted Monday, August 3, 2009 - Post #24411
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There is a known commonly used practice about how to organize this, which I have already mentioned. You should be more exact in defining the use case, because I still want to sort on individual columns and change between group column <-> single column sorting.

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