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Relationship and Cause of Death descriptors in Narrative Report

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Author More options, less groupings??
Posted Sunday, December 27, 2009 - Post #25158
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Last Login: Friday, April 12, 2024
Posts: 53, Visits: 3,821
I was just really reading the report. I usually skim it to see if the "big picture" was correct or not. But I started to notice some curious things about relationship and cause of death descriptors.

No matter what you choose as the actual relationship in the individual's properties, on the time-line, it reports them all as "marriage / union" and it shows it twice - Marriage / Union Marriage / Union whoever. Should this not be what you selected in the properties dialogue box?? And why twice?? Although it doesn't show it twice all the time. And why does it have to be both a Marriage and a Union?? Pick one. It looks better, and sounds better. I guess if it was actually what's in the properties box, it would read correctly. This also reads in the person's details page for the individual as "were married in a ceremony" & "were divorced in" for a relationship OTHER than marriage (with defined start/end point). If it's NOT a marriage, such as "casual relationship or dating (short term)", then it should read that way. What about how to define the start/end point of these type of relationships?? Not only marriages have start/end points. ALL relationships do. It would be great if they (other than marriage) could be defined as well.

Cause of death...
My issue/concern/wish here is to keep the groupings of causes, well, to have NO groupings. I have a member that was murdered (beaten to death). But the report shows this as "Murdered / Assignation". I think these should be separate events, they are not synonymous. That goes for some of the other causes listed. Sure, it makes the list longer... But it will present and read much better. Or get rid of the list, and you simply type in a cause (as detailed as you like).

John Fleming
Family Tree?? Try Family Shrub.

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