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Mixed English and Hebrew Files

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Author Hebrew does not display
Posted Sunday, April 18, 2010 - Post #25796
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My cousin sent me a file with both Hebrew ad English text. When I open the file, the English text displays correctly, but the Hebrew characters do not (they are just random English characters). How do I get the program to display both English and Hebrew on the same chart? Sorry if this has been answered before but I am a new user and could not find a solution searching the forums. I am using GenoPro on a PC running Windows XP if that matters.
Posted Sunday, April 18, 2010 - Post #25800
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Hi if the file you have received is properly encoded in unicode, there should not be a problem. Was it a genopro file?

Posted Monday, April 19, 2010 - Post #25802
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It is a .gno file, and along with this file came a .emf copy of the file that does show both Hebrew and English letters properly.
Posted Monday, April 19, 2010 - Post #25808
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Possibly the font specified in the .gno file is not installed on your PC. Right click on an empty area of your GenoMap, select Properties from the context menu. Then click the 'Font' tab. Choose a font from the list of installed fonts that supports the Hebrew character set.

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Edited: Monday, April 19, 2010 by Ron
Posted Monday, April 19, 2010 - Post #25810
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I tired selecting a different font from the table but still not working properly. I changed to several different fonts, but it didn't seem to matter.  When I choose a font that doesn't support Hebrew, the letters come out as all squares. When I pick a font that supports Hebrew (like Arial) I get small letters and characters with accents over them instead of the squares. Is Windows for some reason not dispalying properly (although I can see Hebrew letters properly in my IE browser when it goes to Hebrew pages)? 
Posted Monday, April 19, 2010 - Post #25812
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The font "Arial Unicode MS" is usually one of the few fully complete font that can display all languages mixed up. (English + Chinese + Arabic + Hebrew)

Did you tried it?
Posted Monday, April 19, 2010 - Post #25814
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Yes, I tried Arial Unicode but it still did not work. I did find a font on the Internet that I loaded called SBL Hebrew. When I selected it, it showed the Hebrew letters, although they were backwards (from left to right). But it did not display the Enlish letters. So I assume there is some strange font being used in the document. Very strange.

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