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Publishing Family Tree

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Author How do you ensure it's not public and how many people can edit it
Posted Saturday, July 17, 2010 - Post #26171
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I'm considering buying a number of licenses for my family so that this can become a "live tree"... and looking through the forum I want to ensure that if I publish it ...
1. it's not public (by google or any other server)
2. I do want my family members to be able to access it AND edit it
3. Is it possible that any edits done (by other members) are firstly approved by an administrator before they are published?

Is this possible? Please advise.

And what tips do you (the users of this publishing option) have for me... anything I need to be aware of?
Posted Saturday, July 17, 2010 - Post #26173
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Dear Debbie,

1. You may publish your family tree at and hide it or password-protect it.  A hidden publication will not be indexed by Google if you hide the publication right away, however if Google index your publication and then you decide to hide it, then Google will still keep it in its index cache.  To make sure a publication is not visible by search engines, the best way is to set a password for it.  The password will deny access to anyone not knowing the publicatio password (including search engines).

2. We are working on a Collaboration Module to have multiple people to simultaneously edit the family trees.  We are weeks away for an update for people to try it.  I am working on the last piece of code to synchronize the transfer of pictures and file attachments.

3. With the collaboration module, you may assing different permissions:

BannedThe user cannot access the document anymore
Read-OnlyThe user can view the document without access to modify it
CollaboratorThe user can modify the document
ModeratorThe user can also invite others to join
AdministratorThe user can promote other administrators and ban users

Since your publications at are only accessible by you (regardless of the Collaboration Module), you have full control when you want to approve changes and update by publishing again.

Posted Saturday, September 4, 2010 - Post #26434
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Sounds Great. Willing to test it if you want. Keep us posted.


Edited: Saturday, September 4, 2010 by Jackson

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