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"Dual Birth Registration"

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Posted Friday, October 29, 2010 - Post #26796
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Hi, i have an ancestor who had a son as a result of having an affair which is not uncommon but the child's birth was registered twice, under his real father's surname & also under the woman's existing husbands surname.  How do I show this in Genopro?


Posted Friday, October 29, 2010 - Post #26797
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First I would put a note in the description explaining the situation...

Second I would go in the Source tab and insert BOTH registration information.

If both have the same birth date than it's only a matter of Name and Father.

In the birth tab you could use the Last Name and Second Last name to describe the individual.

Now as for the drawing I would go with a normal family and possibly use an adoption line to enforce the fact (if it's the case) that the individual lived with his "adoptive" father.
Posted Sunday, November 7, 2010 - Post #26864
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How would you recommend showing multiple birth dates?

I have living relatives who have one date on their birth certificate, another on their marriage or military records, and another for US citizenship, etc.  Most of the dates are within a few days of one another.

I have others who were born on particular date, but not registered for 10 years, or registered with incorrect dates to avoid being conscripted as janissaries.

From what I can see, there is only one entry for birth dates.

Edited: Sunday, November 7, 2010 by NiKo
Posted Monday, November 8, 2010 - Post #26865
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NiKo (11/7/2010)
How would you recommend showing multiple birth dates?

I would record the most likely birth date (the date on the birth certificate where it exists) in the Birth Date field. Any other information can be put in the Comments field on the Birth Tab. The problem with multiple birth date fields is how many do you have, and which date is used to calculate age?

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