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I am trouble generating reports

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Author I have been receving essentially nothing error reports.
Posted Monday, March 7, 2011 - Post #27944
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I am trouble generating reports. I have been receving essentially nothing error reports. ps I already viewed tutorial numerous times - does not provide assistance re: inability to generate reports...........

yesterday I was able to generate them... but not today... what's wrong ?


Edited: Tuesday, March 8, 2011 by GenoProSupport
Posted Monday, March 7, 2011 - Post #27946
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You will need to provide more information about what exactly you are attempting to do in order for us to help you.

E.g. what 'skin name' are you selecting in the 'Report Skin' drop down list? Where are you asking it to place the generated report - somewhere on your PC or perhaps on the GenoPro familytrees website? Please state what information appears in the Report Log area when you click 'Generate' (copy the text and paste it in your post on the forum).

All you need to do to generate an English Narrative Report for your tree is to click 'Tools' then 'Generate Report'. Then select a suitable folder on your PC to receive the report using the 'Browse' button, select 'English Narrartive Report {EN}' from the drop down list of Report Skins and click 'Generate' and finally click 'OK' when prompted for Configuration Parameters. When finished the completed report should open in your default browser.

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Posted Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - Post #27952
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ello this is the message in its entirety... Thanks

Publishing report to
  Connecting to server
Cloning document G...
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin 'Descendants Tree Chart'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'DescendantTree.js'...
Base skin version from Config.xml: 2011.01.01
To disable display of parameter settings, tick the box under 'Options' tab of 'Generate Report' dialog.

The 'Configuration Parameters' dialog will appear in an Internet Explorer window. If it is not visible please check taskbar as it may be minimized.
Configuration Parameter changes abandoned by user
Generating HTML chart
this is the message that I have been recieiving
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin 'Descendants Tree Chart'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'DescendantTree.js'...
Base skin version from Config.xml: 2011.01.01
To disable display of parameter settings, tick the box under 'Options' tab of 'Generate Report' dialog.

The 'Configuration Parameters' dialog will appear in an Internet Explorer window. If it is not visible please check taskbar as it may be minimized.
Generating HTML chart
[34.92] No Individuals or Families selected for Report!
Copying skin 'Customized Descendants Tree Chart' to folder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GenoPro\Skins\Customized Descendants Tree Chart\'...
Unable to write file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GenoPro\Skins\Customized Descendants Tree Chart\Code\Base.js'.
    Access Denied.  Unable to create directory and/or file because of security permissions. Please make sure the file or folder is not read-only
Posted Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - Post #27958
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OK, so you are attempting to generate a 'Descendants Tree Chart' report. 
Firstly, please note that this report is designed to be generated/published to the same folder as a previously generated 'English Narrative Report' as it makes use of the CSS styling and pictures in that report. I therefore recommend that at first you generate the Narrative Report beforehand.

Secondly the 'Descendants Tree Chart' requires that you first select the individual or family for whom you wish to generate a chart of the descendants. I suggest that you first ensure that no objects are already selected in your genomap(s) by clicking on 'Edit' on the menu bar and then clicking 'Clear selections in All Genomaps'. Then select only the individual for whom the report is to be generated and then click Tools/Generate Report as before. The error message in your log [34.92] No Individuals or Families selected for Report! indicates this requirement.

Finally in your last attempt you clicked on either 'New Skin' or 'Edit Skin' which attempts to produce a 'custom skin' from the skin templates embedded within GenoPro. The problem you have here is what I believe is a flaw or bug in GenoPro in that by default it uses Program Files/GenoPro/Skins as the default folder to hold 'custom skins'. However in later versions of Windows Program Files and its subfolders are protected hence the security error you are getting here. To overcome this problem then choose a different folder to hold 'custom skins' e.g. below 'My Document'. You can select the folder under the Options tab of the 'Generate Report' dialog. Please note 'custom skins' are only required for advanced use where you wish to modify the script or other aspect of the skin templates.

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