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Inverting y-order to make a family TREE

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Posted Sunday, March 20, 2011 - Post #28042
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Another idea (that may be discussed earlier but I couldn't find) is inverting y-order of all the objects in order to make the layout look more like a tree. I guess Genogram is by default and standard "descending" so that parents are above and children are below. But very often I am asked about a Family Tree, showing ancestors as roots, parents as branches and younglings as leaves. As Trees usually tend to grow upwards, these people I've spoken with are hoping to at least view the genogram in a different way. By "to view" I mean it wouldn't be necessary to change all the stuff like when adding a child it goes under the parents, but temporarily switch between these two views. Editing could be done in standard mode. The whole point of this is, once again, that nobody would need to do all this by hand.

Posted Thursday, March 24, 2011 - Post #28070
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An interesting idea.

As an experiment, I played around with the Toolkit to add an option to flip a tree vertically about its mid-point. One problem I encountered was that Family lines stretched to have top and bottom lines (i.e. an 'I' shape) could not be supported because the 'Bottom' line cannot be placed above the 'Top' line and GenoPro does not draw the lines. Therefore as a compromise I choose to use just the longest line of the two. 

e.g. HarryPotter 'Black' genomap inverted:

Some manual adjustment may still be required.

The amended Toolkit skin with the 'Invert trees' option  is attached. 

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn" (158 views, 22.96 KB)
Posted Friday, March 25, 2011 - Post #28087
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This is great, thanks a lot! Smile

Soon after writing the topic I found out this same problem you mentioned about inverting Family lines, which is a bit shame... But I think you did well with it, a good compromise. It saves me a lot of time.

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