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In which directory should I store my pictures?

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Posted Tuesday, July 5, 2011 - Post #28640
Forum Guru

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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Posts: 104, Visits: 1,686

I am now adding pictures to my GenoPro family tree and I would like to design a directory structure well adjusted to
my requirements. In particular, I would like to be able to copy my latest complete genealogy data (organised in a tree
structure with Pictures, Documents, GenoProData (with *.gno files) sub-directories) to my laptop when I am travelling
and still keep my pictures links working, although the complete path above the "Genealogy" directory is different on
the 2 computers.

Reading the on-line support page describing the parameters for Pictures, I read:

"Preserve Full Path

 This option should be checked if the picture is not in a folder near your document..."

My question is: how "near" must the pictures be?
- should all relevant pictures be in the same directory as ****.gno?
- can they be in a directory which is a "brother" of their corresponding ****.gno
- can they be in directories which are nephews of their corresponding ****.gno

Thank you for your help. Best Regards


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