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Is there a way of adding more Occupations other than the default ones included already; i.e Semiconductors, Telecommunications etc.. Or is this an improvement that can be made in a future release.
Customers GenoPro version:
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Any thoughts GenoPro ?
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Originally the list was much longer, and was growing by leaps and bounds. The more the list was growing, the faster people were adding suggestions by sending emails. For instance, I once received an email for 3 extra categories: Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy. For sure, someone being a chiropractor, there is a stark difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath, however for the average Joe, those professions are nearly identical, and surely not from a different industry sector. Eventually the list became so long that it was impossible to find what we were looking for (see http://support.genopro.com/Topic5384.aspx)
The idea of having a fixed list as the Industry Sector was to have an idea of what type of work the family is involved in and compile statistics. For instance, a family may be involved a lot in agriculture and construction, while another family may be involved more in the sales and finance. Also, a fixed list may be localized (translated) into other languages and make it easier for the user to pick a value. The field Industry Sector reminds me of the Officiator Title in the Religious Record of Birth tab. At first, I thought 3 or 4 titles were enough, such as Priest, Minister, Reverend. A few days later, someone suggest Rabbi, then Pastor, Vicar, and the list grew again. Eventually GenoPro got released so the list was frozen because it would break compatibility with previous versions. In summary, this field will become a free text field where people may enter whatever they wish. I am considering the same with the Industry Sector.
Edited: Tuesday, August 9, 2011 by
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Monday, July 15, 2024
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Thanks for the update. I fully understand the expansive nature of the problem and do agree that a free text field where people can enter whatever they wish may be the way to go. It would certainly solve my current issues and be a more practical approach that does not impinge on other users use and limits complexity or becomes un-wheeled over time. Besides the multi-language translation problems it could cause for the generic product.