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permanent id contains illegal character

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Posted Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - Post #29425
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while in the family table layout i accidentally deleted an ID.   i then typed control-z to try to undo but the cell stayed blank.  when i clicked out of the cell this error popped up.

while i understand the error, every time i clicked 'ok' it just showed the error message again.  i've had luck repeatedly pressing "ok" many times on some popup messages and had them go away, but this on wouldn't budge.  i had to force quit GP
Posted Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - Post #29427
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If ypu look at the Column properties it is not permanent id, just ID. You can erase the whole column and when GenoPro saves the file it recreates the ID.(Just tested this to make sure!)
This could have problems if you make use of the ID in an application outside of GenoPro itself but this wil not cause any problems elsewhere
Posted Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Post #29428
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appleshaw (16-Nov-2011)
You can erase the whole column and when GenoPro saves the file it recreates the ID.(Just tested this to make sure!)

You're right appleshaw.  I've deleted and even copied new IDs into the ID Column in GenoPro with no problem.  I should have thought of that before I said I deleted the ID.  I must have been wrong in thinking that I hit the delete button.  I most likely thought I typed "delete" because the cell was empty when the error came up and and the quotes in the error were ' '.  However, I was able to recreate the error by typing "/" and then again by typing a space into the ID.  I believe I must have typed a space into the ID when I got the error.

But to reiterate what I said in my first post...I understand the reason why I got the error, the bug is that the error message is on a continuous loop forcing me to use ctrl-alt-del as the only way to get rid of the error (unless someone knows of a different way).  But thank you appleshaw Smile for testing the error and seeing that it wasn't by deleting the ID, but by putting the space in there instead.
Posted Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Post #29435
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Thanks for reporting the problem of the "continuous loop".  This bug was introduced recently, as I added a piece of code to save the data typed by the user when the Table Layout would be deactivated.  The problem is the code to store the Permanent ID may display an error message if the ID is not valid which by itself will deactivate the parent window to set the focus to the message box, creating an infinite loop.

I fixed the bug at the core of the "grid control" which is used by the Table Layout.  This way, if multiple instructions are sent to terminate the editing and/or save the data, only the first will be taken, ignoring the others, thus making sure there are no re-entrancy of messages which cause this "infinite loop" of displaying messages.

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