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Revisiting GenoPro - how to take my family tree off line?

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Posted Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - Post #29863
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Hi GenoPro team,

It has been several years since I've build my family tree here, and as much as I'd like to continue working on it... I have had some requests to take it offline for the sake of privacy.

how do I do this?  I have marked it as "hidden" on my profile, but will this take it out fo the Google searches?
It might complicate matters that I am now on a Mac, and no longer have the computer on which I built the family tree...

Posted Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - Post #29865
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Hello Sasha,
You may put a password on your publication to limit access to it.  Within week Google will remove the entire publication from its index / cache.

Due to the complexity to write software, we have no plans of having a browser-based version of GenoPro. 
Posted Friday, March 22, 2013 - Post #31503
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Hello, Sasha.

My name is Boris Uetskiy. Our grandfathers were cousins. I would like to send you more information concerning my grandfahter, my father and mother, my family and children (including pictures). Which e-mail do I have to send the information? Just for the information - my e-mail is

I am waiting for your answer.

Kind regards,

Posted Friday, March 22, 2013 - Post #31507
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Hello Boris,

I am not sure if Sasha will still be checking this forum post one year after she posted the question.

You could try sending her an email via Genopro forums by clicking on the EMAIL box on Sasha's original post.

Kind regards,

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