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GenogramTOOLBAR editing fails

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Posted Saturday, February 23, 2013 - Post #31332
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Click on DIVORCE icon in genogramToolbar.
Now click on the marriage line connecting two people.
Now double-click on the marriage line.
Select UNION.

see! :-( The divorce does NOT show up in the unions and marriages :-(

There is no way to delete the divorce symbol that I added. 

Please help.!

Posted Saturday, February 23, 2013 - Post #31334
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If you added a divorce symbol to a family line by dragging the symbol from the Genogram toolbar then you remove it in a similar way.  Hover over the divorce symbol on the family line until a horizontal double headed arrow appears, then drag the symbol up or down right out of the way to remove it.

The divorce symbol is just a visual marker.  You must enter details of the divorce manually in the Unions tab of Family properties.  

Instead of using the Genogram toolbar symbol you can edit the the Family Properties Relation field to selection the divorce relation.  Note that you can not drag this symbol off the line, instead you should select a different relation.

To see full set of relation types ensure that the checkbox ' Display genogram symbols for family relationship' under the menu Tools / Options, Genogram Options section is not checked.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Saturday, February 23, 2013 - Post #31335
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You can also right-click on the divorce symbol, and you will get a context menu where you may click on Delete Divorce.

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