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Phrase Editor rules do not appear correctly in the interface for...

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Posted Friday, March 15, 2013 - Post #31466
Junior Member

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Last Login: Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Posts: 15, Visits: 102
I have been trying for a long time now to find a way of correctly generating plurals forms for my locale. If it was just my locale it probably wouldn't be high priority but plural rules affect many of the big languages too that are present in GenoPro and will lead to really bad language on screen so this should be tackled, rather than ignored.

There was a lengthy exchange in the Translation section but since no solution has been forthcoming, I decided to report this as a bug. Whether the solution is to fix the Phrase Editor or to implement a general system for plurals (which would be better for user friendliness) I cannot say.

It was identified as a bug by user Genome here. I don't want to repost all detail including screenshots, but the short version is that a rule like this:

Tha [{?0=1}{0} taigh][{!}[{?0=2}{0} thaigh][{!}[{?0=3}{0} taighean][{!}{0} taighean]]]

produces the desired outcome in the Phrase Editor but not the interface.

Do, or do not. There is no try.
Am Faclair Beag iGàidhlig, bathar-bog na Gàidhlig: Firefox, LibreOffice ⁊ mòran a bharrachd


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