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Printing in firefox is truncated after page 1

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Posted Friday, August 30, 2013 - Post #32346
Forum Guru

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Last Login: Thursday, June 2, 2022
Posts: 108, Visits: 1,280
A while back I created a custom version of the 2012.09.20 narrative report to produce family trees that could be printed to produce family history books for non-computer users. Basically it just sets the colour scheme, and doesn't have all the icons, menus, and other bits that would look odd on a printed doc.

I use the Names TOC to navigate to the person I'm going to print, then close the TOC.

I have "print background (colours and images)" ticked under page setup, and on the print dialog Print Frames is set to"layouts as displayed on screen" so it prints the heading frame (which is cut down to just the banner image and report title) and the frame displaying an individual's details.

I found when I came to print pages for individuals that firefox was truncating the output to just the first page. This can be seen when you look at the print preview for this chap (close the names toc first) :

Perhaps if you get some time you could look at whether this affects the current version of the narrative report?

The truncating thing is a well reported Firefox issue, it seems related to how the webpage is constructed - maybe it is down to our detail frame, or perhaps there's a css overflow property that needs to be put in. Not sure.

I tried printing from IE - it seemed to want to print the TOC even though it was closed on screen.

I tried printing from Chrome - that looked fine, except it seemed to shrink the output so it only took about 60% of the sheet of A4.

I had to do my print run yesterday - I worked around the issue, so this isn't a burning issue for me.

It affected about a dozen individuals I needed to print pages for - for those I collapsed their families sections, and opened the individual families pages and printed them so all the info ended up in the printed report.

I was at work so I couldn't create a second report supressing the Families section on Individuals pages, which would have given me a more elegant result for the individuals spanning more than one page.

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