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Larger Text for Huge Genomaps

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Posted Monday, July 21, 2014 - Post #33752
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Last Login: Thursday, June 16, 2016
Posts: 9, Visits: 72
I have created a display character set (block type) that is a bit larger than what is offered in GenoPro. It is made wholly with shapes, it is not a font, sorry. You will have to copy and paste each character individually.

I know this is inconvenient to use, but it was my only option to get a text size that was readable at the zoom level I require to see my whole genomap, which is huge. My large, single genomap was necessary to be able to have my whole family tree on one printable page (it actually takes up (2) approx. 200" x 36" sheets, when printed). I use this larger text to label the areas on my genomap for each major family name.

Each character is 2 grid squares tall and 1-1/2 to 2 grid squares wide. The letters are all caps at this time. I may add lower case later, but right now I don't have a need for them.

I hope others can use this as well.


Edited for clarity

Extra Huge Jumbo Alphabet.gno (152 views, 3.20 KB)

Edited: Monday, July 21, 2014 by Patch61

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