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IN SPANISH --------------
Hola, la ultima versión de GenoPro me fallaba y no podía hacer los informes, así que he estado tres días seguidos traduciendo la plantilla más actual en inglés, al idioma español.
Ya sé que tiene algunos fallos (por ejemplo, he encontrado uno que dice "José tiene una hermanastra llamado María", pone "llamado" en lugar de "llamada"), pero en general está bien.
Estoy agotado mentalmente, no modificaré nada más durante un tiempo. Pero he pensado que quizás a alguien le sea útil, especialmente a las personas que tengan problemas graves con las otras plantillas de informes en Español, tal como me ha pasado a mi.
1.- Descargar el archivo y descomprimir: "Informe narrativo en espanol" (1.39 MB) (ESTÁ AL FINAL DE ESTE MENSAJE) 2.- Copiar la carpeta "Informe narrativo en espanol 2014.12.03" dentro de la carpeta "C:\Program Files (x86)\GenoPro\Skins" 3.- Abrir el programa GenoPro 2007, version o posterior 4.- Ir a Archivo --> Exportar --> Exportar GEDCOM a traves del generador de reportes". 5.- Y aquí tu eliges que hay que hacer.
En mi web , tanto en el generador de reportes de la versión inglesa como en esta en español, al intentar mirar el árbol, no aparece. A no ser que haga clic en el enlace del árbol con el botón derecho y haga "Abrir en otra pestaña". Me pensaba que era por mi traducción, pero también me pasa si genero el informe con la versión inglesa que hay por defecto. ¿Alguien sabe el motivo?
Saludos cordiales! 
IN ENGLISH --------------
Hi, this is for latest GenoPro because it failed to me for do the reports in Spanish, so I've been three days translating the current template in English, to Spanish language. I understand well the English, but I'm not too good for write it, sorry for the mistakes in this message. 
I know my Spanish report version has a few bugs (eg, I found one that says "José tiene una hermanastra llamado Maria", says "llamado" instead of "llamada") (Maria is a feminine name in Spanish), but overall okay.
I am exhausted mentally, I will modify anything for a while. But I thought maybe someone will be useful, especially for people who have serious problems with the other report templates in Spanish, as has happened to me.
1. Download the file and uncompress: "Informe narrativo en espanol" (1.39 MB) 2. Copy the folder "Informe narrativo en espanol 2014.12.03" inside the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\GenoPro\Skins". 3. Open the GenoPro 2007 software, version or later 4. Go to File -> Export -> Export GEDCOM through Report Generator ". 5. And here you choose to do.
On my personal website , both in report generator English version and this in Spanish version, when I trying to view the tree, does not appear nothing. Unless I click the link to the tree with the right mouse button, and click "Open in new tab". I thought it was my translation, but also happens to me if I generate the report with the English version by default. Does anyone know the reason?
Best regards!
Informe narrativo en espanol
1.39 MB)
Edited: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 by
Administrators Customers Important Contributors GenoPro version:
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Hi Koneko
I notice that you have not logged on the GenoPro Support Forum for sometime but I wanted to let you know that I will be adding your Spanish translation of Dictionary.xml to GenoPro 2016 shortly so that it is available to others more easily. I would have sent a PM or EMAIL via this forum but these facilities are broken at present. I am sorry I missed your original post back in December 2014. I do not know Spanish but I appreciate the hard work in translating the details. The problem you had with the generated report then was due to a bug when generating the report using a non-english version of Windows. I am sure I fixed that at some point. If you have an updated translation of Dictionary.xml or indeed ConfigMsgES.xml I would be grateful if you could send them to me for incorporation into the next version of GenoPro 2016.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Thursday, October 8, 2015 by