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Adding Households to Narrative Report

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Posted Saturday, April 4, 2015 - Post #34874
Famous Writer

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Is there a way to add Households to the Custom Narrative Report?

I'm glad they show up in the SVG Genomap output.

Found these two other threads on the subject:

Not sure if KML functionality can be added for an individual.
Posted Sunday, April 5, 2015 - Post #34877
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A tricky one this because Households in GenoPro are still half-baked Sad

I see a household as being dynamic with people coming and going.  I am thinking that perhaps something could be done with Social Entities, after all, a household is a 'social entity'.  
In GenoPro Social Entities can have Contacts, Pictures and Sources.

Perhaps we could have 

Social Entity (a.k.a household) --> Contacts (a.k.a Whereabouts) -- Household 'Drawing Objects' ( Instance in time/place of this household) <--> Individuals

For reporting purposes we would need a Custom Tag for the Social Entity to indicate it was a 'HouseHold' and a Custom Tag for Contact indicating the HouseHold relating to it.

It would be nice to be able to animate such a household in the SVG image to show change in members over time.

What in particular would you like to see reported regarding Households?

If I, or anyone else Smile , implement Google Map tracking using KML then essentially the same code could work for both Individuals and  'Social Entity' Households.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Monday, April 6, 2015 - Post #34884
Famous Writer

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I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it.

The example of Households I'm thinking of was shown in a McGoldrick's Genomap book, specifically the section about the Fonda family.  There were half a dozen or so individual genomaps showing how the kids were shunted around.

It would be great if you could somehow show how the Households evolved, either through animation or static diagrams.  I'm having a tough time trying to figure out how to handle miscarriages, kids taking care of grandparents, divorces, etc.

The other issue I have is that I'm using a Town Register (Dimotologio) from Greece to build my family tree.  Each family unit gets a Section (Merida), and it lists the father's, mother's and kid's names, dates of birth, etc and assigns it a Number, and identifies the family's Economic Status (ie, if they are extremely poor, they may require a burial paid by city hall).  When the kids have grown up, and move away or get married, they get assigned their own Section in the same (or another) Town Register.  I'm using the Household function in Genopro to identify each Section, and using Custom Tags for the Section Number, and Economic Status .. but this does not appear anywhere in the report generated.

For a family's location, I'm using each individual's Contact info, since it's not currently possible to include Contact info with Households.

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