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Problem Spotter and Hyperlinks

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Posted Monday, August 3, 2015 - Post #35338
Famous Writer

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I ran into a problem in my Genogram, but I don't know whether it is a problem in the Spotter or in GenoPro. I have managed to reproduce it as follows:

  1. In a new file construct a family consisting of Father, Wife, and children Daughter 1 and Daughter 2
  2. Hyperlink Daughter 1 to a new GenoMap and add a Husband
  3. Assuming it was discovered the wrong daughter was hyperlinked, delete the hyperlinked Daughter 1 from the second GenoMap
  4. The problem Spotter shows:
    The fix will simply add Daughter 1 back
  5. Ignore the Spotter, and hyperlink Daughter 2 to GenoMap 2, and Link as Parent to the Family Line
  6. Immediately the Ménage à Trois warning is displayed:
    Hit the Yes button to create the link. The Spotter does not change
  7. Apply the fix in the Spotter, and the Spotter changes to:
    confirming the earlier message
It may be that the Spotter is correctly displaying the errors and the error is generated when the hyperlinked Daughter 1 is deleted. The Table Layout for Daughter 1 is still showing the Husband as a Mate.
I have tried the same scenario in GenoPro v2.5.4.1 with the same result as regards the Ménage à Trois, so presumably it is a problem in GenoPro and hyperlinks which will not be solved until GenoProX.
The problem can only be resolved by deleting the Family Line on the GenoMap 2.
Posted Monday, August 3, 2015 - Post #35339
Legendary Master

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The hyperlinks have been a 'hack' by creating two individuals where one points to the other as a hyperlinks.  This is was the best I could do back then due to my programming skills and the existing file format.  The problem is those two individuals (or multiple, if there are more than one hyperlink) are causing all kind of problems as they are seen as distinct individuals by the engine.  I have solved this with GenoProX by having a 'data' component and a 'view' component.

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