Here's another mistake inexplicable happened yesterday, after 10 hoursof processing on
[16638.32]Elaborazione modello 'Code\tocstart.js'...
[16638.67] Elaborazionemodello 'Code\individual.htm'...
[30450.37] Thetag '' is no longer valid. Try 'Family.Marriages(0).Date'
[30450.37] Thetag '' is no longer valid. Try 'Family.Marriages(0).Date'
[30450.37] Thetag '' is no longer valid. Try 'Family.Marriages(0).Divorce.Date'
[30450.37] Thetag '' is no longer valid. Try 'Family.Marriages(0).Divorce.Date'
[30450.70] Thetag 'Occupation.Start.Date' is no longer valid. Try 'Occupation.DateStart'
[30450.70] Thetag 'Occupation.End.Date' is no longer valid. Try 'Occupation.DateEnd'
Errorealla linea 462, positione 12 (Code/Lang.vbs) durante la creazione'Pascottini-Teresa-ind91871.htm': Azione non valida per l'oggetto:'oLink.PedigreeLink.ID'
Errore di run-time di MicrosoftVBScript 800A01BD
Among the data of 'Pascottini-Teresa-ind91871' there was no date of marriage, separation,divorce, and no data on occupation.
I workedon a Test folder only the genomap with that person and there were no errors.
In the last elaboration, after deleting the entire folder on a server, occurred thefollowing errors:
Aggiornamentodella miniatura per C:\Users\LeVit\ FAMIGLIE-GENOPRO\pictures\CopettiSilvana1946.JPG
Aggiornamentodella miniatura per C:\Users\LeVit\ FAMIGLIE-GENOPRO\pictures\DaroncoRaimondo-nel1878.jpg
[742.14] The tag'' is no longer valid. Try 'Family.Marriages(0).Date'
[742.14] The tag'' is no longer valid. Try 'Family.Marriages(0).Date'
[742.14] The tag'' is no longer valid. Try 'Family.Marriages(0).Divorce.Date'
[742.14] The tag ''is no longer valid. Try 'Family.Marriages(0).Divorce.Date'
[742.43] The tag'Occupation.Start.Date' is no longer valid. Try 'Occupation.DateStart'
[742.43] The tag 'Occupation.End.Date'is no longer valid. Try 'Occupation.DateEnd'
Aggiornamentodella miniatura per C:\Users\LeVit\FAMIGLIE-GENOPRO\pictures\CopettiSilvana1946-1.JPG
Aggiornamentodella miniatura per C:\Users\LeVit\FAMIGLIE-GENOPRO\pictures\Fantoni-Stemma1.jpg
Here we do not know which individual reference the error, but the elaboration wascompleted with no other errors.
I think that the error reported on dates, is a false error, becauseare always 6 the erroneous dates.
In anycase the error on dates should bereported in acquisitionor at least in"Problem Spotter".
I hope to have explained the problem.
Thank you