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Incorrect/Correct Problem Spotter indicator, removal of

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Posted Thursday, October 15, 2015 - Post #35974
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Last Login: Monday, November 18, 2024
Posts: 33, Visits: 309
I have four situations where the "Problem Spotter" indicator "The family has a single parent" appears indicating a possible problem.  In all four cases the indicator should not appear and help is requested to cause the indicator to disappear.

Situation 1:  Involves a man and women having one child.  In this case the indicator "The family has a single parent" is not applicable since the couple were never married and the actual relationship is "unknown".   "The family has a single parent" indicator should not appear indicating a possible problem.

Situation 2:  Involves a women having two children by her first husband.  She divorced her first husband and married a second husband that subsequently ended in divorce.  So, in this case the "The family has a single parent" indicator is correct but should not appear as a potential problem.

Situation 3 & 4:  Involves a women having only two children by her first husband.  After her first husband died she married a second husband who died and then she married a third husband who subsequently died.  The  "The family has a single parent" indicator appears twice,  representing the described situation.   So, in this case the "The family has a single parent" indicator should never have appeared as a potential problem.

Any help you may be able to provide keeping these indicator from appearing will be greatly appreciated.  

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