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Pre-Purchase GenoProX

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Author I've tried to prepurchase GenoProX (bronze)
Posted Saturday, November 14, 2015 - Post #36190
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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Monday, October 17, 2016
Posts: 1, Visits: 2

I've tried to prepurchase GenoProX (bronze) but when I want to pay I have this message "You cannot upgrade from this version of GenoPro".
I have a paid version GenoPro 2016.

I need to use it on my Mac.

Why is that?

With regrads,


Posted Saturday, November 14, 2015 - Post #36193
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You may run GenoPro 2016 on your Mac, however you need a special software such as Parallels or a Virtual Machine to emulate Windows.  This is why we are rebuilding GenoProX from scratch, so it works on all platforms.  This is the newsletter we sent last week to those who purchased GenoProX:

By looking at your profile, you already purchased GenoPro 2016, and as a result, I refunded you $50 from your purchase of the package Sponsor Expert.  In other words, your pre-purchase of the package Sponsor Expert is only $30 for you, since you already own GenoPro 2016.

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