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Problem spotter seems to have difficulties with multiple tabs

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Posted Sunday, December 20, 2015 - Post #36359
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I have been using GenePro for many years and have built up a substantial amount of data.  For convenience this has (as suggested) been split between a number of separate tabs that are linked by a hyperlink for the connecting individual.  The new Problem Spotter has been very useful but I am left with a couple of messages that I have not been able to resolve.  One is "The family is overlapping with another family" and the other is "Two pedigree links are connecting the same individual with his/her family".  The first message is categorised as "Display" while the second is categorised as "Data".  Both are being applied to tabs that have hyperlink connections in them but not to all of them.  Clicking on the relevant problem description takes me to the relevant tab but does not explain what the problem is and I have been unable to identify it.  I do not know if the hyperlink is the cause of the problem or not.

Any suggestions please?
Posted Sunday, December 20, 2015 - Post #36360
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"Two pedigree links are connecting the same individual with his / her family."

There are 2 hyperlinks overlapping for un individual, created perhaps like this:
a) connect a wife with a "new hyperlink" to genomap his family
b) absentmindedly, create a second "new hyperlink" the same individual, on the same genomap and connect it to his family:
 "problem spotter" will say that there are two unrelated twins.
c) Delete the second individual.
This will remove the second individual, but it remains a double hyperlink!

To delete the second hyperlink:
1) delete the second individual from the second genomap
2) Cut (ctrl+X) and paste again (ctrl+V) the first individual on the first genomap and create a new hyperlink from first to second genomap.
3) rebuild the connections between the individual and the family on the first and second genomap

The other problem I think it's the same, but I was unable to recreate: Delete family-connection and redo the connections.

Vittorino Lepore 
Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"

Edited: Sunday, December 20, 2015 by vlepore
Posted Tuesday, December 22, 2015 - Post #36368
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I thought at first that this had solved the problem but, sadly, it did not.  The problem arises when I have done the following:

1) Created two genomaps.  The first relates to the wife's own family (parents, siblings etc) while the second relates to her husband, his family, their marriage, their children, grandchildren etc

2) Enter the wife's details in genomap 1 and then create a hyperlink from her to genomap 2.

3) Position wife correctly in genomap 2 and then create the family links with her husband, children etc.

I have tried deleting the wife from genomap 2 and then recreating the hyperlink by following the procedure outlined above. However, this does not remove the problem from the Problem Spotter - it is repeated in identical terms as an additional problem.

What confuses me is that I have followed the same procedure on other genomaps and no problem has been found.
Posted Wednesday, December 29, 2021 - Post #41914
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Yeah this does not work and creates an additional error - The family in GenoMap '2' is missing parent 'X' located GenoMap '1'. The Fix Problem makes the hyperlink wife as a child so now the parent is a child as well.

Edited: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 by Juncus

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