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Problem Spotter Window Scroll Bar Position Issues

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Author Scroll bars in Problem Spotter not correctly placed for window contents
Posted Saturday, January 30, 2016 - Post #36628
Famous Writer

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I thought I should probably put this in the correct forum; I originally spotted this issue with the list view in GenoPro 2011, but since the correction of the problem in the list view, I've seen it come up with the problem spotter window. My original post follows, along with a screenshot. Note the position of the scroll bar (at the top) and the top problem # in the list (290). Yes, there are that many issues with this genogram; the genealogy contains several thousand people and much of it was imported from a GEDCOM that had no visual formatting data.

Jakk (30-Jan-2016)
Has anyone else noticed this sort of behaviour in the Problem Spotter window? I've been seeing it there since my recent upgrade to 2016, but only after I've had GenoPro running for a while. I've already mentioned it to Dan via email in our exchange regarding the original issue (which seems to have been fixed now; many thanks!). Hopefully this is an equally easy fix, and isn't a side effect of the previous fix. Whistling

Sometimes the horizontal position will be off, too, but of course now I can't reproduce that for a screenshot. Who says computers don't have a sense of humour? Smile

GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.

Edited: Saturday, January 30, 2016 by Jakk
Posted Sunday, January 31, 2016 - Post #36634
Famous Writer

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A follow-up on this: I've noticed that the Problem Spotter scroll bar works properly the first time I open the window after starting GenoPro, but the second time I open the Problem Spotter, the scroll bar reset starts happening as noted in the original post. I sent Dan a WMV file of the issue as it appeared in the 2011 program, but apparently I can't attach such files here, so I hope my description of the issue is clear to everyone else. If anyone else is noticing the same problem, please comment; I'd just like to know that (hopefully) I'm not the only one this is happening to, although I know that Dan was able to reproduce the original bug on his end, but under more limited conditions than I have needed. It seems to be specific to Windows 7 (which is what I'm running, obviously Smile), from what went back and forth in the original discussion, so if anyone using a different version of Windows isn't seeing this problem, that might be the reason.

GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.

Edited: Sunday, January 31, 2016 by Jakk
Posted Monday, February 1, 2016 - Post #36640
Legendary Master

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Thank you for the extra info: I think I fixed the bug.

Can you please try to download and install

If it works, I will rename the file InstallGenoProJakk.exe as the master download Smile
Posted Monday, February 1, 2016 - Post #36646
Famous Writer

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Looks like it's working great now! Smile You're not hiring for a permanent software testing position, are you? BigGrin

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Posted Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - Post #36656
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Jakk (01-Feb-2016)
Looks like it's working great now! Smile You're not hiring for a permanent software testing position, are you? BigGrin
With GenoProX, we want to have a points system for people who contributed to help, either by answering posts on the forum, finding bugs, having suggestions or improved the report skins.  Users will be able to redeem those points for our GenoProX products and for some who accumulated more than $100 worth of points will be able to redeem their points for PayPal money or Bitcoin.  Once GenoProX is out, we will revise our top posters (including you) on the forum and assign them points according to what we think is a fair contribution.  We are not counting the total number of posts, but what we think brought value to the GenoPro community.  We have many people who contributed a lot during the decade and were never really compensated.  Sure we gave them free licenses, however I think there are better ways to say thank you.
Posted Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - Post #36671
Famous Writer

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GenoProSupport (02-Feb-2016)

With GenoProX, we want to have a points system for people who contributed to help, either by answering posts on the forum, finding bugs, having suggestions or improved the report skins.  Users will be able to redeem those points for our GenoProX products and for some who accumulated more than $100 worth of points will be able to redeem their points for PayPal money or Bitcoin.  Once GenoProX is out, we will revise our top posters (including you) on the forum and assign them points according to what we think is a fair contribution.  We are not counting the total number of posts, but what we think brought value to the GenoPro community.  We have many people who contributed a lot during the decade and were never really compensated.  Sure we gave them free licenses, however I think there are better ways to say thank you.

This sounds interesting. I have been researching my genealogy for over ten years now, and I have used several different programs in that time, but my primary software has been GenoPro since 2008, and I haven't seen anything in any other program that makes me even think about changing, so a loyalty program is redundant for users like me... although free software is even better than inexpensive software, and the free trial version was what got me started with GenoPro originally. Smile

GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.
Posted Friday, February 12, 2016 - Post #36724
Famous Writer

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So... I finally reproduced the horizontal scroll bar glitch *and* remembered to take a screen shot. This one is a bit different, as it doesn't react to the mouse; it just occasionally appears incorrectly when the window is opened. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to when this error occurs, but it's *much* less frequent than the original issue with the vertical scroll bar. Also, this occurrence is far less dramatic than some I have seen, in which as much as a full third of the window is blank (always on the right side). Sometimes the data will be pushed off the screen to the left, but everything is still there, I just have to scroll to the left to see it all... at which point the blank space disappears and I can't scroll back to it. Hopefully this helps.

GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.
Posted Saturday, March 12, 2016 - Post #36813
Famous Writer

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So... I saw this again a few days ago (and kept forgetting to post it), this time in the Family Properties window. Note the column positions and scroll bar position of the Unions and Marriages field at the bottom. Somehow I need to turn this into a career; GenoPro is not the only program I do this with, and I can spot typos in written text without looking for them too. Smile

GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.
Posted Thursday, April 21, 2016 - Post #36969
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I would like to congratulate you guys and Girls at GenoPro for the "Problem Spotter" I have several large Genograms and have not posted because of these known problems that I knew I had and blamed myself for the way I set the original files up. The mail problems:
a) Family members not attached to there parents
b) A child link was used instead of a parent link to link a parent to their children
c) The family wizard failed to display the parents but listed them as siblings in the wizard. All fixed now.

In passing If I can here is a Screen shot of a log I ran for the 1st GenoGram that I fixed. It Started at 5588 Errors now only have 1

CenPro File Errors File Name:
Errors DATE File Size
5588 28/02/2016
5232 7/03/2016
4942 8/03/2016
3913 9/03/2016
3810 11/03/2016
2865 14/03/2016
2669 16/03/2016
2599 19/03/2016
2585 20/03/2016
2418 20/03/2016 11.5GB
1321 20/03/2016 11.2GB
1257 20/03/2016 11.2GB
199 21/03/2016 11.2GB
192 23/03/2016 11.2GB
127 24/03/2016 11.2GB
0 2/04/2016 11.2GB
1 22/04/2016 11.2GB
Posted Friday, April 22, 2016 - Post #36979
Famous Writer

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Wow... that's impressive. Nicely done. I had over 3000 errors in each of my two largest genograms, nearly all of them overlapping families or individuals, children out of birth order, and children above or parents below the family line. I'm now down to less than 100 in each of these, and I have added significantly to both in the process of correcting them. I'm currently working my way through adding my Icelandic ancestors to a third genogram, which will be substantially less complex because all I have is direct lines of ancestry, with no siblings given earlier than the generation of my grandparents. This summer I will be going to Iceland to hopefully add to the chart; my Icelandic great-grandmother was adopted, and all I have to go on for identifying her birth family is her original patronymic, so it might be a tricky search, but it will be so much easier being there than trying to do it online.

GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.

Edited: Friday, April 22, 2016 by Jakk

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