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Narrative Report - Parameter Settings

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Author should follow the Genopro user interface language setting, not the report language
Posted Monday, February 1, 2016 - Post #36654
Famous Writer

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Last Login: Thursday, February 27, 2025
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I started translating the GenoPro 2016 ConfigMsgLocal.xml file into Dutch (Nederlands) and realised something is wrong in the way the whole interface has been set up.  In short, the "Narrative Report - Parameter Settings" follow the report language (set by the skin), not the Genopro user interface language.

Personally, after having worked for 40 years with IT interfaces in English, I still prefer English to do so and I'm completely lost when people show me a PC with a Dutch, French or German OS interface.

So I would like to be able to use
> the Genopro.exe interface in English
> the Generate Report interface in English
> the Narrative Report - Parameter Settings in English
but be able to generate the Narrative HTML report itself in a language I can freely choose.

In short, one interface language for the genealogist and another for the family members.

Unfortunately, since the ConfigMsgLocal.xml file is part of the translated skin, the "Narrative Report - Parameter Settings" interface language automatically follows the narrative report language.

I do realise the current situation is due to "historic" reasons but I would like to vote for having all interface settings grouped and manageable in a separate environment isolated from the report dictionaries.

But maybe this is already part of your new design plans, I just wanted to highlight this so it does not get forgotten.

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