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failed download of genopro

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Author informed by NORTON that there was a threat and would not allow download of Genopro
Posted Friday, March 11, 2016 - Post #36811
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When I attempted to download genopro 3/11/16, I was informed by NORTON that there was a threat and would not allow download.
Filename: installgenopro.exe
Threat name: WS.Reputation.1Full Path:c:\usersed\downloads\installgenopro.exe
Threat type: Insight Network Threat. There are many indications that this file is untrustworthy and therefore not safe installgenopro.exe
Threat name: WS.Reputation.1
Downloaded File installgenopro.exe
Threat name:WS.Reputation.1 from
Source: External Media


Edited: Friday, March 11, 2016 by GenoProSupport
Posted Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - Post #36829
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On November 27, 2015, we contacted Symantec (Norton) and received the following reply:

From: [
Sent: November 28, 2015 10:06 PM
Subject: [3883587]-[GenoPro Software International]-Software white-list request completed


We are writing in relation to your application through Symantec's on-line Software White-listing Request form for your software GenoPro.

Symantec has decided to add this software to its white-list.

The white-list is used in internal quality assurance processes and also by the cloud for some products.
This inclusion should reduce the possibility of false positive detections by Symantec products, but Symantec cannot guarantee that false positives will not occur.
In the event of continued reports of false positives, please notify us through Symantec's on-line Security Risk/False Positive Dispute Submission form available at:
Symantec's decision is not a certification or endorsement of your software in any way, and you are expressly advised by this message that Symantec does not consent to you disclosing that Symantec has added your software to its white-list, or that Symantec has evaluated, endorsed or certified your software in any manner, directly or indirectly.
Please note also that decisions made by Symantec are subject to change depending on a variety of factors that include but are not limited to alterations in the software, distribution of the software, or vulnerabilities in the software to misuse by the publisher or others.

Symantec may also change its classification criteria and policies over time to address the constantly evolving security landscape.

Security Response Operations QA Engineering Security Technology and Response (STAR)

This message (including any attachments) is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is non-public, proprietary, privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law or may constitute as attorney work product. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, notify us immediately by telephone and (i) destroy this message if a facsimile or (ii) delete this message immediately if this is an electronic communication. Thank you.
timestamp: 20151129041348

Edited: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 by GenoProSupport

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