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Using key press 'P' you can add the parent icons to a child. If you find a marriage record this can be put onto the genogram but parents have to be added separately and then linked to the line Addition of key press 'P' to family line would save seconds (fractions, OK)
Customers Gamma GenoPro version:
Last Login: Wednesday, November 24, 2021
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This is a nice idea that might be useful for some. For myself, in cases where I know that two people are full siblings but I don't know either of their parents, I've always found it easier to create the blank parent entities instead of creating a family line without parents, but I understand others not wanting to do that.
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Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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When making a one-name or one-place study from parish records I find it better to record the marriages, which I put on the genogram in date order. Then it is possible to add baptism/birth records and link as child.
Customers Gamma GenoPro version:
Last Login: Wednesday, November 24, 2021
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I try to do things the same way. Also, when recording children, I don't enter daughters as individuals unless I know that they never married, instead entering their information into the descriptive text (and their first names only into the display text) of the family line. This has the effect of nearly eliminating the possibility of accidentally duplicating females as both wives and daughters; I work extensively with ancient and medieval genealogies, which are highly male-line-focused, so this method works well in such cases. Prior to adopting this strategy, I ended up with about a dozen duplicated females in one tree, which admittedly can also be avoided by searching for an individual's name before creating them... but I've demonstrated to myself that I'm not very good at remembering to do that.
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