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Narrative Report Functions Missing Linking

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Author The function icons at the top of the report are not linked to the report
Posted Sunday, October 23, 2016 - Post #37500
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1.      I am able to run Narrative_2015.05.05\*(Narrative Report) (EN) as well as earlier versions without errors reported.

2.      The problems become apparent  when attempting to open the “Display allindividuals in the report”, the “Display all families in the report”, “Displayall family tree diagrams in the report”, Display all pictures in the report”, “Displayall occupancies and contacts in the report”, “Display all places and locationsin the report”, “Display all the sources and citations in the report” andDisplay all groups and organizations (social entities) in the report  access  icons found at the top of the report.  See below (Unfortunately I was unable to cop the image only the boxes):

Display all family tree diagrams in the report Display all family tree diagrams in the report

Display all individuals in the report Display all families in the report Display all family tree diagrams in the report Display all pictures in the report Display all occupancies and contacts in the report Display all groups and organizations (social entities)Display all places and locations in the report Display all the sources and citations in the report  

3.    If I place my curserover any of the above icons and right click on my mouse the options to open ina new tab or window is available.

4.    Since I am able toopen these functions using my mouse, it appears to me that the report generatordid not link the functions to their respective icons.

5.    This is a new situationfor me since I have successfully run this report many times during the past fewyears.

6.    Hopefully, the problemis an option that I have failed to select. If not that then is it possible that that my Windows 8.1 causing theproblem?


Any help that you maybe able to provide will be greatly appreciated.


Ray C. Gregory

Posted Monday, October 24, 2016 - Post #37501
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I assume that you are attempting to view a report generated locally on your PC/laptop. Browsers use the 'file' scheme rather than 'http' to access local web pages. Modern browsers have tightened security and a side effect is that many web reports that work when published to and accessed from a web server no longer function correctly when accessed locally using the 'file' scheme/protocol due to what is called the 'same origin policy'.  You may be able to access such reports using the Firefox browser. Alternatively, since from your profile on this site you appear to be using GenoPro 2016, then I recommend that you use the latest Narrative Report that is installed as part of GenoPro 2016. You should see \{EN} Narrative Report\ * (2016.07.16) {EN} in your drop down list of reports. This version of the Narrative Report has 'work arounds' for the same origin policy.

For further reading see

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Monday, October 24, 2016 by genome
Posted Monday, October 24, 2016 - Post #37504
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Posts: 33, Visits: 309

Well, thanks so much.  The problem is resolved.  As always you have a solution.
I was so used to using a 2015 report version that I failed to look up the list and find a 2016 version.

Sorry to waste your time with such a trivial problem.

Thanks again.

Ray Gregory

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