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I lost my software when computer crashed

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Author I need a replacement registration key
Posted Saturday, March 25, 2017 - Post #37784
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My computer crashed and had to be set back to factory specs. I saved everything to thumb drive including genopro but when I went to put it back on the computer the file was empty.  To make matters worse I can't find the original email that would have had my registration key on it.

Please drop me a line and let me know how to get my registration key back. 

My original email was That has now been changed to

Thank you,
Morgan Watson
Posted Saturday, March 25, 2017 - Post #37785
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You could try the following, to see if it will recover your registration key.

When you are logged in to the forum, go to the area where it says Welcome "username" (Logout) {The Logout message shows that you are logged in and can proceed with the following)

To the left of "Recent Posts" you will see "My Profile"
Click on this, and then click on the GenoPro tab which appears on the next screen (from here the third screen can be slow to populate,  try again if it doesn't populate first time)
Then go down the screen to "Registration Keys", and click on "Manage"
This should show you your registration key (or keys if you have more than one).

If it ends in TMP, it is only a temporary key (student or time limited trial)

Otherwise, you can select and copy your Registration key from here,(CTRL C) and paste it into the GenoPro program's registration key box (CTRL V)

(FYI, the registration key needs to include the complete text and - symbol separators; by copying and pasting, you should get an exact copy, and hopefully the program will work.)

Hope this works for you,

Posted Sunday, March 26, 2017 - Post #37786
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Posted Monday, April 10, 2017 - Post #37830
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Buenas quiero saber cuantas licencias de genopro tengo asociadas a este Correo y deseo adquiere tres licencias mas
gracias espero su pronta respuesta

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