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Families in table mode

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Author Cannot be sorted on family names
Posted Thursday, December 20, 2018 - Post #39121
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When selecting the "families" view in table layout mode, the names of husband and wife are formatted by combining <first-name> and <last-name>, in this order.

When sorting, the sort order follows the <first-name> values making the list useless (for me).

Is there a way to sort the table on either husband or wife's <last-names>, or to change the way the sort keys are formatted?

Edited: Thursday, December 20, 2018 by Nand
Posted Friday, December 21, 2018 - Post #39125
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The name format is determined by whatever you have set their 'full name' property to be. So if you change the individuals full name to be 'last, first' then this is how they appear in the family table. 

Unfortunately I haven't yet discovered a way to change all full names to be 'last, first'. There is a default format for full and display names but that only seems to be used when a new individual is created. I have tried editing an xml copy to remove full names and their format but without success as yet in setting all names to the required format.

Update. Found a way to reset name formats by using search and replace on a .xml export of the .gno using a text editor capable of using 'regular expressions' such as NotePad++. Is necessary to reset full name and display name formats, which can of course be different from each other.

1. set global default name format, normally at line 10 of XML file e.g.
<Full Format="%L (%L2), %F %M"/>
<Display Format="%F %M %L (%L2)" Lines="3"/>
2. Deal with self closing empty <Name ...../> tags using Find & Replace with Regular Expression enabled

Find what: <Name .*/>    Replace with: <Name/>
3. Clear existing Full Names using Find & Replace with Regular Expression enabled

Find what: <Name[^<]*$  Replace with: <Name>
4. Clear existing Display names: using Find & Replace with Regular Expression enabled

Find what: <Display.*</Display> Replace with:    (i.e. nothing)
5. Save edited XML file and open with GenoPro.


'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Saturday, December 22, 2018 by genome
Posted Saturday, December 22, 2018 - Post #39127
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Yes, that's a possibility, and it gave me an idea to solve another issue.
I'll get back to this topic when I have something workable.

Thanks & Season's Greetings!

Edited: Thursday, December 27, 2018 by Nand
Posted Monday, January 21, 2019 - Post #39216
Famous Writer

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Although Genome's solution works OK, I could not resist in adding some extra features.

I created two custom family tags and wrote a little program that builds a sort key based on the last, first and middle names of the individuals.  It replaces all special and accented characters in all names, drops all spaces in the last name and converts the result into uppercase.  Since there are no more spaces in the last name, the comma can be dropped as well since it only serves the human reader to distinguish the last name from the rest.

When opening a table view on the families you get something like shown below.

You will notice that sorting on the "husband" or "wife" columns works OK for nearly all names, except for those containing spaces and apostrophs.  E.g., the last three "husband" rows are not in the "correct" order.  In some countries (France and The Netherlands to name a few) these "van, vanden, vander, van den, van der, ..." parts are often put behind the name, but that is not acceptable in my case.

Clicking on the "husband sortkey" column, produces the wanted result.

And the "wife sortkey" results in this

Notice the name "D'Haeze" which is now correctly positioned behind "Daens".

I'm thinking about adding a similar key to the individuals.  By doing so the order of the list of names would always be OK in table view without the need for sorting three times.

The only drawback of course is that you need to reprocess the keys after having added or changed names in the GenoGram.  But I can live with that.

Something to be added in a future version of GenoPro maybe?  I know there are lots of different sort sequences but that could be solved with a custom list, an external procedure, an add-in, or ...

Posted Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - Post #39304
Famous Writer

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After experimenting with a few other combinations I finally selected a simple solution consisting of two custom family tags, containing only the last names of the partners.  One in a husband-wife combination, the other in a wife-husband combination. 

I also added a single custom individual tag with the full name reformatted as sort key. 

Works OK for me.

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