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A. While generating Descendants Report I got following messages:
"... Generating report on descendants of Viljo Einari Saksi [11.00] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhET_StillAttending_M', 'PhET_StillAttending') epäonnistui! (=failed in EN) ... 1 error creating ..."
Any idea what have I done wrong? B. After trying to fix previous (see above) error got an other: [0.00] Prosessoidaan mallia 'Main.js'... Virhe rivillä 960, paikassa 9 (Code/GnoLib.js): Keskeytys havaittu muttei käsitelty Suorituksenaikainen Microsoft JScript -virhe 800A139E C. Latest error from 14.3.2019 morning: "Error on line 53:The closing element </Digits> does not match its opening element <DateFormatting> from line 41" I don't see why? See attached Dictionary -file where I tried to make a change so that Control Panel is used instead of Dictionary -file / <DateFormatting> because it is documented that <DateFormatting> is optional. I also tried to change separately comment the nodes <Months>, <Weekdays>, <Digits> and <FmtDateDefault> in order to use Control Panel but made something wrong but I dont find my error. What have I wrecked? BR, Jarmo
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Edited: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 by
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The first error does not affect the report and can be safely ignored, however to stop this error appearing then change Dictionary for this phrase to <PhET_StillAttending T="[{?!0}??]"/> You have several errors in your amended Dictionary.xml. Firstly where you have attempting to comment out tags so that Control Panel settings for dates are used, you have inserted XML comments within other comments or within tags. This is not valid syntax. Instead in the attached I have renamed the tags affected by appending __ so that they are then ignored. Secondly you were missing the ; on some of the ' entities used in your <Spouse tags You have a second TE attribute on some of your cardinal number definitions. I have removed these <_Cardinal_4 T="neljä" TE="neljästä" TE="kolmestakymmenestäneljästä"/> <_Cardinal_5 T="viisi" TE="viidestä" TE="kolmestakymmenestäviidestä"/> <_Cardinal_6 T="kuusi" TE="kuudesta" TE="kolmestakymmenestäkuudesta"/> <_Cardinal_7 T="seitsemän" TE="seitsemästä" TE="kolmestakymmenestäseitsemästä"/> <_Cardinal_8 T="kahdeksan" TE="kahdeksasta" TE="kolmestakymmenestäkahdeksasta"/> <_Cardinal_9 T="yhdeksän" TE="yhdeksästä" TE="kolmestakymmenestäyhdeksästä"/> N.B. One way to valid the syntax of your xml files is to open them using Chrome. It will flag the first error found, which to can then correct and try again
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Many thanks Ron! Corrected my errors, as you pointed, out and after that only one error is left: "... Avataan asetustiedosto Config.xml mallille '\{FI} Jälkeläisraportti\* (2015.07.07)'... Ladataan sanakirjatiedosto Dictionary.xml... [0.00] Prosessoidaan mallia 'Main.js'... Virhe rivillä 960, paikassa 9 (Code/GnoLib.js): Keskeytys havaittu muttei käsitelty (in English; ~ Error on line 960, location 9 (Code/GnoLib.js): Interruption detected but not handled) Suorituksenaikainen Microsoft JScript -virhe 800A139E (in English; ~ Runtime Microsoft JScript -error 800A139E. and here the report stops. Do you have any idea what might cause this? Jarmo
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The error at line 960 indicates that there is still errors in the XML. Did you use the Dictionary.xml file I attached to my last post?
That file works on my PC. Are you using a Code\local\ConfigFI.xml file? If so check that file for errors by loading in Chrome or use one of the many online XML validators.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Thursday, March 14, 2019 by
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Dear Ron
I did not use the dictionary where you had corrected my mistakes in the first place, because I tried to find out and understand the corrections you had made by copying them to my Dictionary.xml. Obviously I wasn't able to copy them .
After your last instruction I replaced my "Dictionary.xml" with your "Dictionary.xml, ie. the one you sent me and it works, as expected. That is, I do not get the error message anymore. Many thanks for you awesome help!
I suppose you are a busy man but I dare to ask if you could advice me with another problem ( seems to be insurmountable for me ). I have in my "Dictionary.xml" in line number 1687 a phrase: - in english, your EN Dictionary.xml (<FamilyChildren): T="{?!2}The][{!}{3}] [{?!0}{4} children][{?0=M}son][{?0=F}daughter][{?!2} of this [{?1}family][{!}relationship]] [{?0}is][{!}are]:-" - translation, in my FI "Dictionary.xml": T="[{?!2}][{!}{3}] [{?!0}{4} lapset][{?0=M}poika][{?0=F}tytär][{?!2} tämän [{?1}Perheen][{!}Suhteen]] [{?0}on][{!}ovat]:" I've tried to translate this phrase many different ways to make this phrase to work including numerous efforts also in Phrase editor (utmost mysterious apparatus by the way) in GenoPro - all without success. - Firstly I did not understand, among other things, the hyphen in the end of the EN Phrase and therefore took it away in FI translation? Have I made here a syntax error again? - after my translation (see above) the FI Dictionary.xml produces a phrase; "kolme lapset tämän perheen ovat:" which isn't quite what I wanted, actually totally unacceptable!
I'm awaiting for something like these: - if marriage exists with 3 children: "Perheen 3 lasta ovat:" or - if marriage exists with one child: "Perheen 1 lapsi on:" or even better would be "Perheen lapsi on:" or if the child is a boy: "Perheen poika on:" or if the child is a girl: "Perheen tytär on:" - if marriage does not exist with 3 children: "Suhteen 3 lasta ovat" or - if marriage does not exist with one child: "Suhteen 1 lapsi on:" or even better would be "Suhteen lapsi on:" or if the child is a boy: "Suhteen poika on:" or if the child is a girl: "Suhteen tytär on:". Jarmo
Edited: Sunday, March 17, 2019 by
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If you set the phrase and its comment to:
<!-- V="2019.03.18±" 0=gender ID if single child?, 1=married?, 2=name if single parent, 3=first parent possessive name, 4=no of children Test={0}=M|F, {1}=Y|, {2}=Lone Parent, {3}=Parent's, {4}=3|1 --> <FamilyChildren V="2019.03.18±" T=" [{?1}Perheen][{!}Suhteen][{?!4=1} {4} lasta ovat][{!} [[{?0=M}poika][{!}tytär]] on]:"/>
Then the Phrase Editor gives
Is this what you wanted?
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Hello See below this is partly what I wanted see sample below (Descendents -report per today): Perheen kolme lastaovat: <--- this is correct translation because there are three children in this married family.
1. Kalle Ilmari Saksi>2.1syntyi 16.10.1985 Naantali. 2. Rebecca Victoria Saksi>2.2syntyi 19.3.1988 Naantali. 3. Mikko Einari Heljo Saksi>2.3syntyi 26.10.1989 Naantali.
but another example in the same report is not as expected (ie. Descendents -report per today):
Perheen yksi lastaovat: <-- this should be "Perheen tytär on:" because there is only one child and she is "daughter". 1. Emilia Maija Stiina Saksi>3.3syntyi 18.5.2015 Naantali
I wonder why the dates are exactly in correct format, ie. dd.mm.yyyy when it comes to birth dates for children but eg. in the first example above, father of those three (3) children, birth date is "syntyi lokakuu 16, 1985 ie was born october 16, 1985. I would like to have 16.10.1985 also here.
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Hopefully the attached Dictionary is better
I changed FmtDateDefault, FmtDateNarrative and FamilyChildren and removed __ suffixs and related comment It produces: MarvoloGaunt jälkipolvet EnsimmäinenSukupolvi 1.1. Marvolo Gaunt kuoli 1927.
Marvoloavioliitossa <Tuntematon>. Perheenkaksi lasta ovat: 1. Morphin Gaunt>2.1syntyi 1900 ja kuoli 1970. 2. Merope Gaunt (Riddle)>2.2syntyi 1907 ja kuoli 31.12.1926.
ToinenSukupolvi 2.1. Morphin Gaunt<1.1oli syntynyt 1900 ja kuoli 1970. Ulkoinenlinkki 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Potter' Yleisetmerkinnät: Parselmouth and sociopath. Morfin is seen dressed inrags. His thick hair is so matted with dirt the color wasindistinguishable. "Several of his teeth were missing. His eyeswere small and dark and stared in opposite directions."
2.2. Merope Gaunt(Riddle) <1.1oli syntynyt 1907 ja kuoli 31.12.1926. Kuolinmerkinnät: Died one hour after giving birth to Tom.
Meropeavioliitossa Tom Riddle (Sr.). Tomoli syntynyt 1903 ja kuoli 1943. Perheenpoika on: 1. Tom (Lord Voldemort) MarvoloRiddle>3.1 syntyi31.12.1926.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Edited: Monday, March 18, 2019 by
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Hello Definitely it's better. Now the birthdates for individuals are as expected and even "FamilyChildren" seems to produce nice phrases. I also run " Narrative Report" (another post I've made), with your corrections in Dictionary.xml, and it did not say anything about Code/Init.htm as before - very nice! I know that there are still several phrases that I've translated but need to try to fix because my translations are not nearly enough good, vice versa, they are poor. With good will you of course can understand what is meant but it is not good finnish. For example just few phrases from report that are not nice (though near but not acceptable); 1. "Henri asuu Hiidenmaankatu 5 A2." -- should be "Henri asuu Hiidenmaankatu 5 A2, 00980 Helsinki." --> in english; "Henri lives Hiidemaankatu 5 A2" but this is only the street address ie. City is missing, is this possibly some setup issue? 2. "Details of Henrin family with Jonna Maria Mikola (Eloranta) --> I haven't found "Details of Henrin family with..." text yet in Dictionary? This should be "Henrin ja Jonna Maria Mikolan (Eloranta) perhe" 3. "Hän oli kolme veli ja sisko, nimettiin Kai, Harri, Jyrki and Ulla. Hän on lapsista vanhimmat viidestä lapset." This should be; "Hänellä oli kolme veljeä ja sisko, nimeltään Kai, Harri, Jyrki ja Ulla. Hän oli viidestä lapsesta vanhin." --> in english; "She had three brothers and a sister, by names Kai, Harri, Jyrki and Ulla. She was the oldest of five children" 4. He oli poika nimettiin Henri. Should be; "Heillä oli poika nimeltään Henri." --> in english; "They had a son by name Henri" 5. "Anne asui Vadstenankatu 4 ennen Toukokuu 30, 2011." Here is a strange date, shouldn't it be now 30.05.2011? Also City is missing here. --> in english; "Anne lived Vadstenankatu 4 before May 30, 2011. 6. "Hän on asunut Virvenrinne 9 alkaen Kesäkuu 1, 2011." Here is a strange date too, shouldn't it be now 30.05.2011? Also City is missing here. --> in english; She has lived Virvenrinne 9 starting June 1, 2011 7. Overview Map of all geocoded places --> message "Tämä sivu ei voi ladata Google Mapsia oikein." --> in english; "This page can not be loaded correctly." Perhaps this is some sort of set up issue, somewhere? So, there is still a long way before I'm nearly at finish. |
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Well I have made a number of changes to your Dictionary.xml file to try and resolve some the issues raised. A modified Dictionary.xml is attached. (use WinMerge to compare )
1. This is unchanged. The script simply uses the Place name in a hyperlink. It is not necessarily a good idea to put the full postal address in the Place name, this can be done in the Place fields instead. If you are using hierarchic Places then perhaps I can change to script to add the name of the 1st parent to the link name. 2. This is addressed but needs changes to Narrative Common\Code\Lang.vbs & Util.vbs. These files are also attached. 3. Hopefully fixed but word order not as you stated. 4. 5. 6. Hopefully fixed but not tested.