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export recent sources

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Author to how export sources ordered by date created
Posted Friday, March 13, 2020 - Post #40361
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Last Login: Saturday, March 8, 2025
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I'd like to export recent sources (ordered by date created) in some text format - including names of files referenced, as I often want to share what I've found since the last time I was in contact with a relative (I could edit it afterwards and remove sources not relevant for a particular branch of my family).

Are there tools that can select data from .gno files or extract sources ordered by data from an exported GEDCOM file?

Posted Saturday, March 14, 2020 - Post #40363
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GenoPro has neither timestamps nor a transaction log and so it is not possible to do as you ask.

Perhaps an alternative is to take regular backups, e.g. monthly, and retain the historical backups. You could use GenoPro's File / Online Backup for this.

Then when you want to share updates with a relative, export your current .gno to xml format, then load the backup from before your last relative update and also export that .gno to xml format. Then compare the two xml files, using say WinMerge and examine differences in the SourcesAndCitations sections of the xml. 

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Posted Saturday, March 14, 2020 - Post #40364
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thanks. I do take regular backups.  I also see in the exported xml that the sources and pictures are listed in order of their internal IDs so that would work (I didn't mean data and time necessarily, just the order of creation).  How standard is such an XML file - would most other genealogy programs import it as sources? Or, having edited it to contain only the relevant sources and pictures then import it and export again as Gedcom?
Posted Saturday, March 14, 2020 - Post #40365
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The GenoPro XML is a proprietary format, the .gno file uses exactly the same format but is zipped to save disc space.  If you open a .gno as a zip archive e.g. using 7Zip, you will see it contains a single file called Data.xml.  So yes you will need to open the edited xml file with GenoPro and export as Gedcom to transfer to other programs.

By running the compare you will also see edited sources as well as new ones.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

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