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Nieuwe skins voor GenoPro 2020 (

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Author 2020-04 {NL-BE} New and updated skins
Posted Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - Post #40409
Famous Writer

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De NL-BE versie 2020-04 van volgende skins is beschikbaar op

    > "Afstammelingen Schema"     (Descendant_Tree)
    > "Verhalend Rapport"              (Narrative Report)
    > "Verwantschap Schema"        (Kinship Calculator)

    Te gebruiken met GenoPro

--- NL ---

    Deze 2020-04 kit is gebaseerd op de bestanden van versie van GenoPro 2020.
    Naast een skin voor het "Verhalend Rapport" bevat deze kit nu ook een vertaling van de skin "Descendant_Tree" (Afstammelingen Schema) en de skin "Kinship Calculator" (Verwantschap Schema).
    Bovenvermelde website verwijst ook naar een document (nieuwe-skin-nl-be.pdf) met de nodige richtlijnen voor het installeren of bijwerken van een skin.  
    Wijzigingen: Het dictionary.xml bestand is nu hetzelfde voor alle skins.
--- EN ---

    As from today a new kit is available at the usual place (see above).
    This 2020-04 kit is based on files that were provided with version of GenoPro 2020.
    Note For GenoPro release managers: Please remove any skins that are not part of those listed above.  E.g., "Afstammelingen Schema's" (plural) got renamed into "Afstammelingen Schema" (singular).

Edited: Monday, April 20, 2020 by Nand
Posted Sunday, April 19, 2020 - Post #40414
Legendary Master

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The Narrative Report skin should also have a favicon.ico file for browser tab identification and bootstrap.vbs to create a Windows junction on first run to link to the Code folder in Narrative Common. 

The latest version of bootstrap.vbs is attached and can be 'localised' by translating the message texts if desired.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

bootstrap.vbs (41 views, 4.94 KB)
Posted Sunday, April 19, 2020 - Post #40415
Famous Writer

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The installation instructions that I'm sending along the NL-BE kit ask the user to (1) rename the current NL-BE skin folder - if any - for back-up or regression testing reasons, (2) make a copy of the corresponding EN skin folder and rename it into a NL-BE folder, and (3) to copy the provided XML files into the places indicated.  By doing so, no need to look at any of the other files.  Correct?  If they get an error on the first run, they only need to delete the code folder and restart.

This being said, we - translators - should only translate.  The whole release management business is really not our job.  There should be a mail box where we can send our translated files to and have the release managers do the rest.  That's what they are paid for, we are not.

What about having only one dictionary and one config file for all the skins?  That would make life a lot easier, both for the developers and the translators.

Keep in mind that most of the time we - genealogists - are working on our ancestry tree, not on the ancestry software, not on the dictionaries and not on the config files.  Personally, I'm updating my genograms all the time but I'm publishing the results only once a year.  That used to be once every season, but keeping in sync with the new versions and changes of GenoPro was taking up too much of my time, so it's down to once a year right now.  And then I have to catch up with all the changes that occurred the last 12 months.  Not an easy job if you ask me.  I have a check list of two pages on how to prepare a skin update, and a little less than two pages on how to prepare my 'master genogram' for publication.  Not really a user friendly solution if you ask me.  But then again, I'm only in the IT business since 1974.  Probably a silly old cow to GenoPro standards, no?
Posted Sunday, April 19, 2020 - Post #40416
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I offered the file bootstrap.vbs for translation 'if desired'. It certainly was not meant to be a requirement.  

Your instructions for users of your translated skin template files obviously work.  My only observation is that when copying the EN skin there is a danger the the Code junction point will get copied as a standard folder creating a new copy of Narrative Common\Code.  This should cause an error message (in English) when run as another job of bootstrap.vbs is to check that Code folder is in fact a junction point.  For this reason I would advise deleting the EN Code folder first before copying. 

I consider myself a bit of an IT dinosaur, having started in 1970 at 19 years of age and am now 69 years old.  Having started family history research on early retirement I found GenoPro and liked the idea that I could write my own reports. Eventually scripting become an almost full time hobby and the rest is history as they say. So I am the largely unpaid developer/maintainer/coordinator of GenoPro report skin templates. I also monitor the forum, answering questions as best I can and remove any spam posts that pop up from time to time.

I would not describe myself as a 'release manager' but I am happy to receive your updates by email although I see posting on the forum an equally effective route. As well as posting my own updates on the forum from time to time I bundle all skins and send to GenoPro to include in the next release of the product.  These releases are not regular as Dan and his colleague are heavily focused on GenoProX, hence the need to have existing skin updates published on the forum.

To me the value of combined Dictionaries is questionable. In the early days many reports were being developed in parallel and there would be a danger that amendments for one report would destabilise and existing report.  It would be even more complicated if there were multiple authors for a report.  I suspect that at the start GenoPro imagined that by providing the Report Generator that many more users would develop their own reports, but in all my time using GenoPro I can think of very few, including yourself,  who have offered reports & tools to the user community. N.B. The Report Skin templates, other than the few built in to GenoPro,  are not actually supported by GenoPro.

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, development and maintenance of the skins has been long and at times tortuous. There is no chance of any major revisions but just maintenance unless someone else steps up to take the reins.  My own focus now for as long as I am able is to develop a publishing tool for GenoProX, namely GenoTab

Stay safe in these troubled times,


'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Sunday, April 19, 2020 - Post #40418
Famous Writer

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Of course, if the Narrative Report folder gets deleted, the bootstrap.vbs and favicon.ico files are gone as well.  Silly me.

I'll add both files to the kit as soon as possible.
Posted Monday, April 20, 2020 - Post #40419
Famous Writer

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--- NL ---

De 2020-04 kit werd aangepast.  De map met het Verhalend Rapport bevat nu ook een Nederlandstalige versie van het bootstrap.vbs programma en een kopie van het favicon.ico bestand zodat deze map compleet opnieuw kan worden aangemaakt.

De handleiding voor de installatie van een nieuwe kit maakt nu ook een onderscheid tussen een eerste installatie en een update.

--- EN ---

The 2020-04 has been updated and now also contains a translated version of the bootstrap.vbs code and a copy of the favicon.ico file.
Posted Monday, April 20, 2020 - Post #40420
Famous Writer

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Just realized that the bootstrap.vbs code you included is more recent.
I'll adapt accordingly.

Done at 13:15

Edited: Monday, April 20, 2020 by Nand
Posted Monday, April 20, 2020 - Post #40423
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Ok thanks.  I have downloaded your update and sent a revised skins bundle to GenoPro.

BTW the link in your post fails. works.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Monday, April 20, 2020 - Post #40424
Famous Writer

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Thanks for signalling.  The links should both work now.
Posted Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - Post #40431
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Foutmelding bij nieuwe update:

Genereerhet rapport naar 'C:\Users\Eigenaar\Documents\Mijn websites\Familie LuteBakkum\reports\'

Skinversie 2020.04.09

  **** met wijzigingen ****

Taalcodevoor het rapport: 'NL-BE', dictionary versie: '2020-04'

Vink hetvierkantje onder 'Genereer Rapport/Opties/Instellingen' uit om de instellingente tonen.

[2.60] Om GoogleMaps te kunnen gebruiken is nu een speciale Google Maps API key nodig. Zie

[2.60] Fout: HetIrfanView programma kon niet worden gevonden. Afbeeldingen in postzegelformaatkunnen niet worden gegenereerd. Zie Config Parameter 'IrfanViewPath'(C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\i_view32.exe)

[4.45] Verwerkenvan template 'Code\style.css'...

Gebruiktthema 'Default_2'

Geöptimiseerdeupload - Zelfde thema - Het kopiëren van thema's en beelden wordt onderdrukt.Zie instellingen.

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