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It looks as if the Kinship Calculator skin uses the full name of the individual. Would it be possible to use the display name instead, so it corresponds to the names displayed in the GenoGram?
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I have amended the code to allow this option (see http://support.genopro.com/Topic40503.aspx to download).
You will need to create a Document Custom Tag in your .gno named Kinship.Tag and set it to Name.Display to use this option.
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'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Getting close (1) Most names follow the display directive except for those on the top row  (2) The kinship is reported twice. The first time it mentions Marcella as being a "granddaughter". The second time as being a "granddaughter-in-law" which I believe she is not. It's a straight maternal line. |
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Whilst we are at it, I would like to suggest to replace the expression "is the granddaughter" with "is a granddaughter". There might be more than one.
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The latest kinship reports the daughter of a mistress(not married) as a step daughter, which is not correct, since the daughter is his own blood, only with another woman. Please check.
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Managed to fix this one, but still struggling to find the correct algorithm to determine non-blood relationships. e.g.stepmother is being reported as stepmother-in-law. 
Hope to release some skin template updates soon.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Could you also take a look at this genomap of the Hapsburgs.
They had a lot of endogamy, so when I run a Kinship report on Charles II of Spain & Philip I of Castile I get: Found 3 matches for kinship relationships between Charles II of Spain & Philip I of Castile. Charles II of Spain is the 4x great grandson of Philip I of Castile. Philip I of Castile & Joanna of Castile are 4x great grandparents of Charles II of Spain. Charles II of Spain is the 4x great grandson of Philip I of Castile. Philip I of Castile & Joanna of Castile are 4x great grandparents of Charles II of Spain. Charles II of Spain is the 5x great grandson of Philip I of Castile. Philip I of Castile & Joanna of Castile are 5x great grandparents of Charles II of Spain. In actual fact, they are connected in more than the 3 ways shown in the PDF. Could you modify the Kinship report to specifically show each link they have? I did it by hand a while back, and there were many more different ways in which they were connected. If you go to: https://learnforeverlearn.com/ancestors/?lifespan=trueAnd select Charles II of Spain from the list of Sample Trees, that tool shows that Philip ! of Castile is his G3 Grandfather twice G4 Grandfather 6 times, and G5 Grandfather 6 times (I'm not sure if my genomap exactly matches the GED file he uses)
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So I have taken a look at your Haspburgs.gno and managed to amend Common\Code\kinship.js to find 11 connections between the two individuals. I tried to show them all on the genogram but grew tired of labelling the lines so I left that as an exercise for the reader  |