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Updates to Report Skin Templates since GenoPro 2020 version

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Author Updated 2025.03.20 fix to Kinship Calculator
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2020 - Post #40608
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Attached to this post is a zipped copy all Report Skin Templates with all updates made since the release of GenoPro 2020 version 

Scripts for all reports are now held in the Common\Code folder.  This approach allows the various translations of some skins to invoke the same scripts rather than their own, possibly outdated, copy.  

In order to 'trick'  GenoPro into using this Code folder each skin folder has a dummy Code folder containing a single file placeholder.txt (needed as I believe the GenoPro installer is not happy with empty folders).  The skins have a 'bootstrap' .vbs/VBScript or .js/JScript  file that runs first in Config.xml and on the first run of that skin the script replaces the dummy Code folder with a Junction (aka Reparse Point) linking to the Common\Code folder.  The skin then runs normally. 

Messages relating to this 'bootstrap process are held in folder Common\Boot in files ConfigMsgXX.xml, where XX is language code. 

Translations of configuration messages are held in the skin folder as ConfigMsgLocal.xml or in some cases Config.xml.  These messages will replace the base English messages held in Common\Code\reportname\ConfigMsgBase.xml

I have reformatted some of the translated Dictionary.xml files via my ReformatXML utility (see App Launcher skin) to allow easier side by side comparison and editing against the English version (e.g.using WinMerge) .  I have  attempted translations to some of the Dictionary.xml files where messages were missing.

I strongly recommend that you create a new folder with a name and location of your choice and download and unzip the attached file into that folder.  You can then direct GenoPro to use this new folder as the Report Skins location via the Options tab of the Tools/Generate Report dialogue.

This will allow simple regression to previous versions of the skins should you deem it necessary, i.e. if I've got something wrong!

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn" (106 views, 4.48 MB) (15 views, 4.46 MB)


Edited: Thursday, March 20, 2025 by genome

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