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Descendant Report issues

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Posted Sunday, September 6, 2020 - Post #40767
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Thanks for the modifications. Woks now and it took several hours o create this report with over 1500 pages(A4 size). The Name Index itself has over 70 pages.
Posted Wednesday, September 2, 2020 - Post #40764
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Looks like I messed up the Open Office template for the Descendants Report. A better one is attached, unzip as Common\Code\Templates\ (GenoPro doesn't allow me to directly attach a .ott file, hence the zip).  I'll include it  in the next skins update.

The 'Name Index' is there to provide a quick way of getting the the index at the end of the document.  The text is taken from TocIndexIndividuals in Dictionary.xml

A common Dictionary.xml can be used as Nand has done of the NL-BE translation. I will see if I can produce one for EN skins.
The  {NL-BE} Gedeeld Woordenboek skin can be translated for other languages to propagate Dictionary.xml to all skins in the same language.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn" (36 views, 8.31 KB)

Edited: Friday, September 4, 2020 by genome
Posted Monday, August 31, 2020 - Post #40758
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Just checked report layouts and formatting of Descendant reports (english, german, dutch) and realized additional work is necessary to format style, etc., when using Open Office. Besides Grammar issues are neglected in the dictionary file for `Nachfahren - Text Bericht`
Would appreciate a combined dictionary file for all reports(one per language). Thanks for the bookmarks and hyperlinks.

Also realized that the -name index as shown in the index name list of the narrative report shows up in the descendant report as the first word on page one.

Edited: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 by genome

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