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duplicate sources

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Author editing sources creates two sources with same name but different content
Posted Monday, October 5, 2020 - Post #40820
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One of the most time-consuming tasks in GenoPro over the years is fixing duplicate sources.

Using the Edit Source / Citation in editing a source reference for an individual, it often creates a new source with the same source name. It can happen when I edit for example Text Quoted from Source / Citation      or    Publisher Name  or I add a picture.

That it has created an extra source with the same name only becomes apparent when I later try to select that source - it displays the source internal IDs to distinguish them

I then have to find these sources under Table layout and decide which one to keep (for example the one with the added picture). I usually give it a new name - e.g add OK to the end. I then have to find all the individuals referring the other copy (its name is now unique), and change all references to the one ending in OK. When i have done that for all of them, and saved it, the original source name should not be in the list. I can then remove OK from the name of the new one, and save it.

It doesn't do it consistently, but perhaps half of the time. It shouldn't be possible to create two or more sources with identical names - when you edit a source and choose not to give it a new name, than those edits should be saved in the existing source.

I'm on, but this has been a problem for several years.

Edited: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 by genome
Posted Tuesday, October 6, 2020 - Post #40828
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As you are aware GenoPro objects such as sources, occupations, educations, pictures and contacts can be linked to many other objects. 

Many moons ago I recall a bug report on this forum whereby user complained that if he changed say an occupation object to perhaps add a comment then that change would appear on all individuals that linked to that occupation object.  GenoPro's solution was to amend the processing to add 'copy on write' so that if such an object was changed then a new copy of the object would be used.  

So that's the origin of the action you have observed. 

I suggest the answer is that if you want the change to all links to the source then only edit the Source object via its Table Layout entry and not via any of its linked objects, i.e. individual, family etc. 

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - Post #40832
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Thanks, now at least I know, though it's quite counterintuitive. I'm sure many users must have found it frustrating. When you edit a source, you want that to apply to every object referring to that source (otherwise you would give it a different name).
For example a death certificate that is evidence of the birth and death of the individual, their job, cause of death, parents, spouse, etc. But the content of the source is the same. If you have a source like a street directory with many hundreds of pages, you wouldn't add
 a page number in a Citation Reference if you were planning to refer to multiple entries. You would create sources for individual references, with a page number and Text Quoted, and make the directory the Parent Source.

Edited: Thursday, October 8, 2020 by bonjedward

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