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Author Can we change the link of the photos?
Posted Sunday, November 22, 2020 - Post #40954
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Last Login: Monday, November 23, 2020
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Hello !

I have the GenoPro 1.70. My question: on the computer (CSmile I have the program and also the photos of the tree members. But I made a backup copy on two hard disks (H: and KSmile When I open a GenoPro from such a disk, there are no visible photos since it keeps their LINK for C:\ of the computer.  In other words: the program and the pictures must be on the same hard drive. The LINK visible on the pictures is not visible in its entirety and cannot be changed. For example, instead of C:\GenoPro\Photos, I could only change the C:\ with the disk letter outside >> H:\. This is not possible in version 1.70. So, how can I easily fix this? Otherwise, I have to click again on each of my members (once on H:, then also on KSmile and assign again the LINK of these two external hard drives. This is an extremely tedious job.

Thank you for your answer! Sincerely Belteky
Posted Monday, November 23, 2020 - Post #40956
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I am not sure about version 1.70 but certainly most other versions have an option under the Tools menu to relink pictures.  Ignore the List of Pictures field and just set the Source and Destination folders and also the Use Relative path option.  This option does not physically relocate pictures but simply changes the reference to them in GenoPro, which is exactly what you want to do.

If you use relative paths for your picture locations then the paths will still be correct when pictures and .gno filesare moved to a different drive.  

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Wednesday, December 2, 2020 - Post #40970
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