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Author date of birth photographs anomoly
Posted Friday, April 23, 2021 - Post #41403
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Last Login: Saturday, January 13, 2024
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Using the 3/20 Narrative Skin with Genopro version, only those individuals who have a year of death show both year of birth and year of death. Those individuals who have not died, do not show year of birth. Also, none of the individuals have age showing in the center.  Also, only those individuals who have a death date show their photos.  All the living individuals have no pictures to show, although I can get at the primary photos through clicking on the child link when an individual's profile is up.  

thank you,
Posted Saturday, April 24, 2021 - Post #41404
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Check your settings under the Privacy Tab of the Generate Report dialogue.  N.B. It is probably not a good idea to publish details of living individuals without a password being set to access the report or you have permission of all individuals concerned.

Regarding age in gender symbol, this is not present by default for living individuals as the report is comprised of static pages and so age is only accurate on the date the report is produced.  However it can be included via a setting under the GenoMaps Tab of the Configuration Parameters dialogue that is display at the start of report generation.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Saturday, April 24, 2021 by genome
Posted Tuesday, April 27, 2021 - Post #41408
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Last Login: Saturday, January 13, 2024
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Thank you!

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