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visability of the information

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Author Information visible when I use genopro but not visable anymore when I transer the genogram to PDF
Posted Monday, August 9, 2021 - Post #41625
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Last Login: Monday, August 23, 2021
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I work as a systemic therapist and I use the genograms to map my families and their stories. When I create my genograms, I can fill in information in the different tabs. This information is visible as long as I'm working genopro. If I then save the document as a PDF to place the documents in the client's file, I can no longer access the information because I can no longer click on it. The PDF document is static. Is there a way to keep the underlying information if I create a PDF? My collegues need te acces this information as well.

kinds regards,

Ingeborg Destellirer

Systemic Therapist
Posted Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - Post #41628
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This is a limitation of the pdf which does not include linkage.
If you generate a report to your PC there will be a folder genomaps containing htm files. Try clicking one and loading into your browser. It is possible to use links but you may need to send several files.
If your client can load files then it is possible to install GenoPro as a file viewer. It is the same program with all facilities except the ability to save any changes.
It depends on what your clients can do. A report is probably the simplest solution
Posted Monday, August 16, 2021 - Post #41656
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Thanks for the reply!

So if I understand correctly, there is no possible way to generate the hidden information as filled in by me in the underlying paragrafs in plain tekst ?

Kind regards,

Ingeborg Destellirer
Posted Saturday, August 21, 2021 - Post #41662
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It is possible to add information that you recorded to the GenoMap using the XML Toolkit skin of the Report Generator. You could then either use the saved version of the display or create a report showing this extended display.
From the Tools menu select Generate Report and then select the XML Toolkit Report Skin. On the top menu also open Options tab and check that Parameter Configuraton Settings check box is cleared. Also clear the top box of the Privacy tab. (Not sure if this essential here but you do not want to exclude any people)
When you generate the report it opens a menu where you select what infomation is to be displayed. The main place to start is with the third tab 'Multi-Line Tag'. This opens a menu where you select up to 5 extra sets of data to add to the display. They tend to be normal family history events but do include occupation and education.
It is possible to save a selected profile for later use

Hope that helps for starters

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