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Copying entries from table view

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Posted Monday, October 25, 2021 - Post #41800
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Last Login: Sunday, October 31, 2021
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Apologies for disturbing your thread, but since you are Table View experts can I ask a quick question
New user here. seems a very powerfull program
I import from gedcom, and look in table view (963 entries)
I use find to just show a subset  eg 300 entries
How do I display just that filted set in a new GenoMap, or export to a new data set that I load?
This seems an obvious thing to do but despite extensive searching and experimentation, I cant seem to find a way to do it

Thanks again

Edited: Monday, October 25, 2021 by genome
Posted Monday, October 25, 2021 - Post #41804
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If you set 'auto select' at the end of the tool bar on the Search Results window, then selecting rows in that table (e.g. Ctrl&A) will also select the corresponding objects in the currently displayed GenoMap.
So you can then copy the objects from there into a new GenoMap in a different .gno file. You can repeat the selection of objects in the search results after making another GenoMap current. repeat this for all GenoMaps that have entries in the Search Results.

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