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GenoPro Family Tree Display

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Author Issue: How to get auto arrangement for family tree?
Posted Friday, January 14, 2022 - Post #41941
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Last Login: Friday, January 14, 2022
Posts: 1, Visits: 2
I have some issues with family tree display. Those are:

1/ When I have multiple layers (children => marriage => children): Names are overlapped or no space or too close together

2/ When I add layers (children => parents => children) on top a child layer: Layer is too close or over lapped other layers

Is there way to have auto arrangement or setting spaces for each box?
Posted Friday, January 14, 2022 - Post #41942
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Hi I revisted Genopro after 5 years and renewed my subscription. However when I am updating my family tree the website only shows the revised text for some reason it is not uploading the revised photos. Can anybody help?
Posted Friday, January 14, 2022 - Post #41944
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Have you uploaded the new photos into the same place as the others?

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