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Installing on Server 2016

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Posted Monday, August 15, 2022 - Post #42364
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Last Login: Monday, August 15, 2022
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A company I support has purchased GenoPro to be installed on a terminal server. The custom site specific intaller provided simply does not run. I downloaded the generic installer and that runs fine but I can't get the licenced version to install. HELP!
Posted Thursday, September 1, 2022 - Post #42405
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This is a summary of the chat we had on Facebook:

  1. Check if you can install the regular version of GenoPro on the server. Download and install to make sure you have permission(s) to install an application on the server.
  2. Download your site license. The executable is slightly different because it contains the licensing information, and since the code to generate site licenses was created 15 years ago, the installer loses its digital signature when the site license file (GenoPro.drl) injected into the .exe. Depending on the security policies and the antivirus on the server, the file InstallGenoPro.SiteLicense.exe might not install.
  3. If you cannot install the site license on the server, try installing the site license on your personal machine. If it works, copy the file GenoPro.drl from your personal machine and copy it on the server in the same folder as GenoPro.exe is located, typically in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\GenoPro\*

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