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Privacy Still Generates Living Pages

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Author The privacy setting to remove living people from the report still generates htm pages
Posted Friday, August 26, 2022 - Post #42387
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Last Login: Saturday, May 20, 2023
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Since living people have pages generated there is NO privacy. Search engines do NOT have to obey any rules and anyone can search all pages if they know what they are doing. 
Why does GenoPro generate pages with the privacy mode set. It makes no sense. Just leaving them off menus has no security today. I'm using {EN} Native Report\* (2020.03.13) {EN} and the pages are generated. Trying to remove them is a nightmare. Why would you do this? How can it be stopped. Have you not heard of Privacy? This is not 2000.
Posted Saturday, August 27, 2022 - Post #42388
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Unfortunately when you regenerate a report to the same location GenoPro does not remove pages previously generated but simply replaces any updated pages.
The easiest way around this is to delete your previous report version before regenerating. Go to your GenPro profile page to remove your earlier report.

Note that deleted pages can persist in the search engine caches for a while afterwards.

If you want to set a password on a report, first generate a dummy report in the target location with say one individual, then set a password and then generate the full report.

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Posted Saturday, August 27, 2022 - Post #42389
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It is a nice idea but deleting all the report items and re-running the report with privacy on generates ALL the living pages. The privacy flag just removes the pages from the indexes and does NOT stop the pages from being generated. I have no real way of deleting 17% of 300 odd names. 
The report fails in privacy. This is not a trivial problem.
Search engines are not forced to respect any no index commands so generating these pages is a big problem. Privacy in many countries is a legal problem and GenoPro should get a grip. I will have to withdraw my publications due to this basic error.
There is a saving grace. If a new folder location is used it does actually do what is supposed to. I just can't believe it will ONLY work if the folder name is new. Astounding and quite absurd.
So the only way to guarantee that options you chose are carried out is to use a new folder name each and every time?

Somewhere in the code GenoPro is fixing settings for a session rather than each iteration of a report it seems.

Edited: Saturday, August 27, 2022 by Juncus
Posted Tuesday, August 30, 2022 - Post #42393
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Last Login: Yesterday @ 9:06 PM
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Yes I agree it would be 'Astounding and quite absurd' if it were to be the case that the privacy option only worked if a new folder was selected but I do not believe that this is the case.  The scripts cannot detect whether the folder has been previously used.

The GenoPro privacy filter acts by filtering the data it passes to its Report Generator to be used by the scripts in the Report Skin templates, e.g. {EN} Narrative Report.

This is evidenced by the fact that the index pages omit living individuals as you have observed. If the data is not available to the script producing the index then it cannot be available to other scripts either. The report skin simply does not have the data to generate pages of living individuals once the privacy filter has been applied.

You do not say where you are creating the report and how you went about deleting the records and so I cannot comment on how the old pages persist in the folder after deletion.  It is possible that you are using some online backup such as DropBox or OneDrive and files are being restored?

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

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