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Being able to edit/delete certain properties

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Posted Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - Post #43174
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Last Login: Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Posts: 2, Visits: 4
Since i use this software for world-building purposes and not real-life genealogy, I never use certain properties (such as medical and criminal history, contact, source etc.) and would find it easier if I could customize what is editable when I create a character. It just feels so cluttered having it there. I also think it would be easier (since there is already a custom tag creator) to be able to edit the existing properties to fit what I would like to like being able to add race or physical characteristics to general. I love using this software for character building but it is definitely very cluttered with things that never get filled out. Also I think adding custom shapes for individuals or the ability to add shape tags to denote certain characteristics like inheritance (especially since you can't have multiple tags show up on the map yet). Ex. I like to have a persona occupation but would also like to have a crown symbol for line of succession (modern example being royal monarchy of England Prince William would inherit over Prince Harry, but their occupations are both prince, it would be nice to have something to differentiate between multiple individuals especially in families with multiple children). I know my idea is specific and really only catered towards a non-traditional use of this software but it is the most convenient software I've found to show large trees

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