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How to import Gedcom Media Links in Genopro

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Posted Sunday, January 21, 2024 - Post #43691
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Hello to all.

I rediscover Genopro. Apparently a Gedcom import does not import the media links. (jpg etc) 
Is there a way to import them? 

Thank you 
Posted Sunday, January 28, 2024 - Post #43745
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GenoPro has limited Gedcom import.  Another reason why GenoPro does not import media links is because GenoPro does not support such links.

Can you please describe more what media links would you like to import? Are those links to documents such as PDF files, or they are about photos and videos?
Posted Monday, January 29, 2024 - Post #43754
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Thank you, 

I was able to import the media links (pictures) through the gedcom import from Ged2Gno.


Edited: Monday, January 29, 2024 by genome

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