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Genogram Spacing and Moving

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Posted Monday, June 17, 2024 - Post #44183
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Last Login: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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Picking a person and then clicking the menu icon is a faster way to get a block.
geometry dash breeze

Edited: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 by Salvatoreelly
Posted Thursday, March 14, 2024 - Post #43899
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Wow, that's super useful!!

I've been individually selecting people and the connecting links for years.  
Posted Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - Post #43890
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If you select a person and then right click, a menu opens. Scroll down to Select and hover here to show a sub-menu. Here either select 'Select Descendant Tree' or 'Select Direct Descandants' to create a block that can be dragged around. 
If you look at this last menu you will see that a menu icon is shown against all options. So a quicker method to obtain a block is to select a person and then click a menu icon
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2024 - Post #43883
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I was working on my genogram, and did not leave enough room for my grandfather's family when I added my grandmother's family because part of my wife's family was already added. How can I "grab" my wife's family and move them as a "block" in order to move my grandfather to the left and then have room to add his family? I hope this makes sense.  Can I outline a "section" of the genogram and move the entire section without disturbing all of the spacing and links?

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