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How to get GenoPro to work on WINE?

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Posted Thursday, July 11, 2024 - Post #44249
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Last Login: Thursday, July 11, 2024
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I've switched my machine over to Kubuntu from Windows 10, and I've been migrating all my programs over to it. But GenoPro poses a problem. I have the program downloaded, along with WINE and WINEtricks, but it will not run, despite the WINE wiki and the software developer stating it can be done. There used to be a package hosted by the developer that you needed to download along with the program (InstallMfcDLL.exe), but that was removed several years ago, so I assumed it's no longer needed? I'm very confused. The pages on the GenoPro site and the WINE wiki have not been updated for several years and look to be out of date.

And for those of you wondering why I don't just use Gramps; I do. However, Gramps lacks the tree overview GenoPro has, allowing graphical manipulation of all elements, which I find completely indispensable in my genealogy work. GenoPro is for my quick and messy diagrams, Gramps is my information database.

When I try to run GenoPro using WINE, I just get a plain white program window with nothing in it. No error messages, just an empty program window. Any ideas diagnosing this would be greatly appreciated.


Edited: Monday, July 22, 2024 by genome
Posted Saturday, July 13, 2024 - Post #44252
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Well I like a challenge and as I have a spare (slow!!) 64-bit laptop available I thought I'd give this a try. 

The major problem was installing Kubuntu over Windows 10 as Grub boot loader didn't do its job and it kept booting into Windows Recovery! 

Anyway, got past that after much head scratching and googling and managed to get GenoPro running successfully, although Report Generation is partly broken Sad

From a Terminal window (Konsole) Ctrl/Alt/T  :-

So I installed wine  sudo apt install wine

and winetricks sudo apt install winetricks

optionally move .wine folder out of the way if it exists mv .wine .wine.old

then created a 32-bit wine prefix WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wineboot -u

then run winetricks in 32-bit prefix WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winetricks

In the winetricks GUI, install mfc42.dll vb6run wsh57 mdac28 oleaut32 ie8

You can now download GenoPro (if not done already) and install GenoPro WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine path_to_InstallGenoPro.exe

And finally run GenoPro!  WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine "C:/Program Files/GenoPro/GenoPro.exe"

Built-in Reports such as Birthday Listings and Save all GenoMaps to Disk should then run ok, but for the others there is a problem with linking to the Common/Code folder and also launching the Configuration Parameters dialiog which uses .hta forms.  

You can instead create a symbolic link from the Report Template Skin folder to Common/Code
 e.g.{EN} Export to Gedcom/Code -> Common/Code
and also create a marker file nocheck.txt  in the Report Template Skin folder to bypass the Code folder validation.

Then when running the report check the box under the Options tab of the Generate Report dialog  to prevent the Configuration Parameter Settings dialog from being displayed.

The {EN} Export to Gedcom runs OK with these amendments but I have had no luck in running {EN Narrative Report

I think the above is correct from memory, but I did actually use winetricks GUI to launch GenoPro.exe

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Monday, July 22, 2024 by genome

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