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Posted Tuesday, July 16, 2024 - Post #44256
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Last Login: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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On June 30, 2021,Colorado HB21-1110 strengthened the Colorado law forprotection against discrimination against persons with disabilities;specifically, it requires the accessibility of all digital governmentinformation technology. To comply, all digital experiences includingwebsites, applications, digital assets, and digital interfaces provided byBOULDER COUNTY must meet all applicable Level A and AA success criteria of theWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1.


Therefore, inorder to comply with Colorado law, we are letting you know that to meet ourstatutory obligation GenoPro must meet these WCAG guidelines by July 1,2024. To assess the current status of compliance, we are requesting afunctional accessibility evaluations such as providing an accessibilitycompliance report utilizing the current ITIC Voluntary Product AccessibilityTemplate (VPAT 2.5 WCAG 2.1) or manualtesting reports GenoPro. If GenoPro Limiteddoes not or cannot meet these compliance standards or you cannot providethese evaluations, we would like to engage in dialogue to understand the statusof the product and how to bring the product into compliance. This may includeyour organization either performing or procuring manual testing of the product,providing reports for the current accessibility compliance status and providinga roadmap for when issues can be remediated.


Please feel freeto reply to this email if you have any questions or would like to discuss thisfurther and collaborate on achieving full accessibility with your product. Welook forward to continuing our partnership with you.


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