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Time Line Generator

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Author Chart -report-/ showing people alive at the same time period
Posted Monday, August 19, 2024 - Post #44289
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Last Login: Sunday, August 25, 2024
Posts: 20, Visits: 39
Can i generate from the information on  a tree, those   people alive at the same time - in the form of a visual table, I dont want a list.

I have made one manually but its tedious and the information is already on the trees.

can anyone advise please

Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - Post #44293
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My reply to you in a previous thread,, provided a solution to this. I appreciate that not everyone is happy manipulating spreadsheet formula and data.

That solution gave a vertical timeline, so a horizontal line for a given year shows who was alive in that year.  

Using the same 'Comma Separated Values' (.csv) data generated by the Report Skin Template attached to that post it is possible using Google Sheets (free!) to create a horizontal timeline  of the data. Selecting a column, i.e. year, . e.g. 1976 below, will highlight those alive in that particular year.

a PDF print of that spreadsheet is attached. 

Unfortunately I do not have the skill/time to automate the production of such a spreadsheet.  Here is a link to this Google Sheet that you can examine etc. to see how it works.

A brief summary of what I did:

1. Hide columns C & D as not required. 
2. Change column heading B & E
3. Add Columns F & G to have year of birth, year of death (or current year if not dead) using formula ABS(LEFT(B2,4)) & ABS(LEFT(E2,4)) respectively
4. set F1 to formula MIN(F2:F) and G1 to formula MAX(G2:G)
5. add columns from earliest year (e.g. cell F1) to maximum year (i.e. cell G1) and set contents to appropriate year.(hint: set the 1st 2 values H1 & I1, then select I1 and drag from bottom right corner across to last column)
6. rotate text in row 1 and set font size in this row to 9
7. Set formula in cell H3 to IF(AND(abs(H$1)>=abs($F3),abs(H$1)<=abs($G3)),"▬","") and then drag to all cells to bottom right
8. set text colour in these cells to blue.
9. sort the data on column B (birth)

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Timeline - Google Sheets.pdf (11 views, 126.18 KB)

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