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Adopted by step father

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Author Adopted by step father
Posted Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - Post #7547
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Last Login: Friday, November 5, 2021
Posts: 7, Visits: 12
Here is one I am not sure how to properly display.

A child or two is born to parents who subsequently divorce. The mother re-marries and has additional children. Then the step-father adopts the children from the spouses previous marriage.

I can show a biological link between the children and the marriage, and an adopted link between the children and the new marriage. And the biological link between the "new' children and the current marriage. However, when the GedCom is produced and uploaded to RootsWeb it shows neither parent has having children.

On RootsWeb: The "Pedigree" for the adopted child will include the adopted father, but the 'Decendency' of the adopted father does not show any children. And the 'Pedigree' of the natural child will include the father, but the decendency of the father will not show the children. Same is true for the mother.

Hard to track since these are living persons, and GedComs go to RootsWeb... I must be doing the links wrong. Or it's just how RootsWeb handles the file. Any suggestions?

Using 2.b13h

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